10643.?Misbranding of Grantillas. IT. S. * * * v. 16J Dozen Bottles of * * * Grantillas. Default decree of condemnation, forfeiture, and destrnction. (F. & D. No. 13865. I. S. No. 10479-t. S. No. W-789.) On November 15, 1920, the United States attorney for the Northern District? of California, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in? the District Court of the United States for said district a libel, and on? November 22, 1920, an amended libel, praying the seizure and condemnation? of 16^ dozen bottles of Grantillas, remaining in the original unbroken packages? at San Francisco, Calif., alleging that the article had been shipped by the? Dr. Richards Dyspepsia Tablet Assoc, New York, N. Y., in part March 9,? 1920, and in part June 23, 1920, and transported from the State of New York? into the State of California, and charging misbranding in violation of the? Food and Drugs Act, as amended. Analysis of a sample of the article by the Bureau of Chemistry of this? department showed that it consisted of tablets containing extracts of plant? drugs, including cramp bark and a laxative drug. Misbranding of the article was alleged in substance in the libel for the? reason that it was labeled in part on the bottle containing the said article? and in the accompanying wrapper and circular as follows, (bottle) " * * * A? medicine prepared especially for diseases affecting ladies and young ladies.? Grantillas contains the elements required by the genital organs of women,"? (wrapper) " * * * A medicine prepared especially for diseases affecting? ladies and young ladies. Grantillas contain precisely the elements required 362 BUREAU Or CHEMISTRY. [Supplement 143, by the genital organs of women * * * the best existing uterine tonic. * * *,"? (circular) " * * * Grantillas are a special medicine for diseases of ladies? and young ladies. * * * for peculiar diseases of the female sex * * *? Menstrual irregularities * * * When there is absolute absence or? scarcity of the flow Grantillas should be regularly taken * * * until the? function is duly restored. * * * (when there is anemia or some form of? debilitating disease), Grantillas should be used * * * until you are? cured. * . * * Grantillas are not a drastic emmenagogue, but * * *? produce their effect gradually * * * The restorative effects of Grantillas? are produced when the medicine is administered regularly * * * as the? general health is restored the symptoms * * * will indicate that the flow? will occur or will be restored. * * * To tone up the debilitated pelvic? organs there is no other specific as commendable as Grantillas. * * ' * take? them persistently * * * to radically correct the debilitated condition of? these organs. * * * Uterine colic, painful flow generally known as pain? of menstruation. * * * For the radical cure of this disease, whether in? congestive, inflammatory or neuralgic form, Grantillas are a true specific? which corrects the abnormal condition causing the trouble and obviating the? necessity of suffering every month from terrible pain * * * take * * *? Grantillas * * * and * * * continue * * * for a few weeks. It? frequently happens that a cure is effected in four or five weeks; but in the? majority of" them more time is required. The patient will in the end not be? disappointed and will be able to enjoy life and to attend to her obliga?? tions. * * * Leucorrhea (White Flow) * * * a reconstituent medicine? and a special uterine tonic, * * * We do nov know any other deserving? such a definition so justly as Grantillas. * * * Grantillas are very espe?? cially indicated in leucorrhea besides being most valuable in other ailments*? of the genital organs of women. Use them regularly * * * if you care? to cure all troubles causing leucorrhea. * * * Any disease of the uterus? or vagina * * * Grantillas are especially prepared for the cure of these? diseases * * * it is indispensable to take Grantillas * * * In anemia? and chlorosis Grantillas act as a first class general tonic and * * * should? be perseverantly taken * * * Nervous debility (nervousness) * * *? When * * * nervous disease is due to or is complicated with a disease? of the womb or ovaries, Grantillas are indicated as a specific for the special? diseases of the female sex. * * * diseases of the ovaries * * * Use? Grantillas constantly * * * Deviation of the uterus * * * falling or? prolapse of the womb * * * all kinds of uterine deviation * * * As a? restorative and uterine tonic eminently applicable in these cases, there is? nothing which will surpass Grantillas * * * Sterility * * * Take? Grantillas persistently and without disappointment. We have seen cases in? which five or six bottles have produced the desired result; but generally? they should be taken during some time * * * also assists greatly in the? general health * *. * Dyspepsia * * * Grantillas should be taken * * *? enriching the blood with a special tonic as Grantillas * * * Hysteria * * *? is cured, no matter what its cause may be, with the use of Grantillas * * *? To prevent abortion * * * after abortion * * * commence the use of? Grantillas * * *. continue taking Grantillas' * * * until * * *? strong and robust * * * take Grantillas * * * when * * * preg?? nant again * * * We can assure the ladies that the healthful effects of? Grantillas in cases of this kind have been demonstrated and proven hundreds? of times. Maternity * * * an adequate preparation taken during preg?? nancy generally results in easy labor and free from horror * * * acquir?? ing force locally and generally with the use of a special medicine like? Grantillas. These * * * render vigor and act directly upon the delicate? female organism making it able for the performance of its functions at all? times. * * * also promotes the secretion of abundant nutrition for the? infant, if taken after partus, and they also increase the force and general? health of the mother. * ? * * Death of fetus. Premature labor. Grantillas? have rendered surprising results in these cases. * * * the special medi?? cine for the female sex (Grantillas) * * * Our aim * * * is to pub?? lish the merits of Grantillas as a special medicine for ladies and young? ladies. * * * Every one of the components of Grantillas tends to render? health, force, vigor, and complete satisfaction to women. The combination is? unrivaled. * * *," which statements were false and fraudulent, since the? said article contained no ingredient or combination of ingredients capable of? producing the curative and therapeutic effects claimed. N. J. 10601-10650] SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS. 3(?3 On May 9, 1921, no claimant having appeared for the property, judgment of? condemnation and forfeiture was entered, and it was ordered by the court that? the product be destroyed by the United States marshal. 0. W. PUGSLEY, Acting Secretary of Agriculture.