10164.?Misbranding of Hall's catarrh medicine. TJ. S. * * * v. 9 Gross Bottles * * * and 3 Gross Bottles * * * of Hall's Catarrh? Medicine. Default decrees of condemnation, forfeiture, and de?? struction. (F. & D. Nos. 14069, 14070. I. S. Nos. 10411-t, 10412-t.? S. Nos. W-816, W-817.) On or about December 14, 1920, the United States attorney for the Southern? District of California, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed? in the District Court of the United States for said district libels for the seizure? and condemnation of 12 gross bottles of Hall's catarrh medicine, remaining in? the original unbroken packages at Los Angeles, Calif., alleging that the article? had been shipped by the Cheney Medicine Co., Toledo, Ohio, on or about August? 25, October 11, and November 1, 1920, respectively, and transported from the? State of Ohio into the State of California, and charging misbranding in viola?? tion of the Food and Drugs Act, as amended. Analysis of a sample of the article by the Bureau of Chemistry of this de?? partment showed that it consisted essentially of potassium iodid, bitter plant ex:? tractives, sugar, alcohol, and water, flavored with cardamom. Misbranding of the article was alleged in substance in the libels for the reason? that it was labeled in part as follows, (bottle, carton, and booklet) " Hall'fe? Catarrh Medicine * * *," (bottle) " * * * valuable in the treatment of? Catarrh * * *," (booklet) " * * * For Catarrh of the Nasal Cavity, Catarrh? of the Ear, Throat, Stomach, Bowels, or Bladder. * * * a Blood Purifier? * * *," which statements appearing on the labels and in the accompanying? booklet were false and fraudulent, since the said article contained no ingredient? or combination of ingredients capable of producing the curative and therapeutic? effects claimed. On August 17, 1921, no claimant having appeared for the property, judgments? of condemnation and forfeiture were entered, and it was ordered by the court? that the product be disposed of according to law. The product was destroyed by? the United States marshal. C. W. PTJGSLEY, Actmg Secretary of Agriculture.