10090.?Adulteration of milk. U. S. * * * v. Joseph F. Hale. Collateral of $50 forfeited. (F. & D. No. 623-c.) On October 19, 1920, the United States attorney for the District of Columbia,? acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the Police Court? of the District aforesaid an information against Joseph F. Hale, Washington,? D. C, alleging shipment by the said defendant, in violation of the Food and? Drugs Act, on September 25,1920, from Nokesville, in the State of Virginia, into? the District of Columbia, of a quantity of milk which was adulterated. Adulteration of the article was alleged in the information for the reason that? a certain valuable constituent thereof, to wit, butter fat, had been wholly or in? part abstracted therefrom. On October 19, 1920, the defendant having failed to enter an appearance, the? $50 collateral which had been deposited by him to insure his appearance was? declared forfeited by the court. C. W. PUGSLEY, Acting Secretary of Agriculture.