9446. Misbranding of Stafford Mineral Springs Water. TJ. S. * * * v. 2,000 Gallons of Stafford Mineral Springs Water. Default decree of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction. (F. & D. No. 13724. I. S. No. 2310-t. S. No. C-2522.) On or about August 28, 1920, the United States attorney for the Eastern District of Louisiana, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the District Court of the United States for said district a libel for the seizure and condemnation of 2,000 gallons of Stafford Mineral Water, remain- ing unsold in the original unbroken packages at New Orleans, La., alleging that the article had been shipped by the Stafford Springs Co., Inc., Vossburg, Miss., on or about July 10, 1920, and transported from the State of Mississippi into the State of Louisiana, and charging misbranding in violation of the Food and Drugs Act, as amended. Analysis of a sample of the article by the Bureau of Chemistry of this -department showed that it was nojfc radioactive and that the mineral matter ¦dissolved in the water consisted chiefly of calcium bicarbonate. Misbranding of the article was alleged in substance in the libel for the reason that the statement in the circular accompanying the article, " Stafford Water is Radio Active," regarding/ the article and the ingredients and substances contained therein, was false an/5 misleading. Misbranding was alleged in substance for the further reason that the following statements, appearing in the leaflets and circulars accompanying the article, regarding its curative and therapeutic •effects, to wit; (blue leaflet) "Kidney Trouble And Stafford Water Mankind's Most Perio?as Illness And Nature's Greatest Aid * * * Kidney trouble once having l?,been detected, the next thing is to learn what is best to do in order that the trouble may be corrected and normal health restored. * * * Staf- ford Water * * * acts directly upon the kidneys and stimulates them to increased activity. * * * whatever the cause may be, Stafford Water has proven to be the greatest treatment yet known. * * * Aside from the water being effective in the treatment of pronounced kidney trouble, it is a wonderful aid in ridding the body of toxins during long periods of illness and confinement. 'Typhoid fever, malaria fever, la grippe, scarlet fever and dozens of other com- mon ailments produce an immense amount of poisons in, the body which can be eliminated only by the kidneys. * * * Where Stafford Water is used the toxins are carried away as fast as they form, thus preventing them from accumulating in the body, weakening and lessening vitality and endangering life. * * *," (white circular) " It has been shown that Radio Emmanations .are very effective in Gout, Rheumatism, Sclerosis of the Arteries, * * * 'This has perhaps been no uncertain factor in producing the many cures of Nephritis and other Kidney troubles credited to the Stafford Mineral Water. * * * Because of my high opinion of this water in Nephritis, * * * I feel sure that in cases of Nephritis, particularly of a chronic character, this water will always produce beneficial results. * * * I Have Had Bright's disease for 17 years and it is the best medicine I have ever found. * * * In The Different Forms of Nephritis, it is almost a panacea. * * * I Have Pre- scribed Stafford Water extensively in cases of Nephritis, both acute and chronic, and the results are simply marvelous. I do not know just how many cures I have effected. * * * About Three Years Ago I developed acute Bright's disease which ran into chronic. * * * I began drinking Stafford Water, and today I am as well as a man who never had the trouble at all. * * * For The Past five years I have prescribed your Stafford Water for all my cases of Gout, Rheumatism, Nephritis, etc. etc., * * * Stafford Water1 is as nearly a specific for the different forms of kidney trouble as anything I have ever found. * * * I Write This as an act of Justice, and to convince those -who suffer needlessly from Diabetes, that this remarkable water will relieve them. * * * Some Three Months Ago my wife had an attack by Inflama- tion of the Bladder. * * * Stafford Water was tried. The Water saved .her life * * * Several Years Ago I found myself suffering from an excess •of uric acid with a marked condition of gravel * * * commenced using Stafford Water, with the result of establishing a perfect cure in a very short time. * * * I Have Prescribed Stafford Water for Diabetes in many cases and have never been disappointed in one case yet. One case of thirteen years' standing was completely cured. * * * I * * * can heartily recommend the water to anyone suffering from kidney trouble. * * * I Have Cured cases of pronounced Bright's disease by its use, not only cases where albumen appears in the urine alone, but where attended by the presence of granular and hyaline casts, diminished specific gravity, and a quantity of urine solids. * * * under its use I have seen the albumen disappear, and then, I have seen the tube casts disappear and patient apparently get well. In Bright's disease I find the Stafford Mineral Spring Water to be curative * * *," were false and fraudulent, since the said article contained no ingredient or combination of ingredients capable of producing the effects claimed. On June 22, 1921, the Stafford Springs Co., Inc., Vossburg, Miss., having entered an appearance as claimant for the property, a default decree of con- demnation and forfeiture was entered, and it was ordered by the court that the product be " dumped " by the United States marshal, and that the bottles which had contained the article be returned to the said claimant. C. W. PUGSLEY, Acting Secretary of Agriculture.