9225. MislJi-andins" of leonardi's Injection Wo. 1. V. S. * * * v. 3 Dozen Bottles of * * * I/eonardi's Injection No. 1. Default de- cree of condemnation and destruction. (P. & D. No, 10569. I. S. No. 16505-r. 8. No. E-1525.) On or about June 13, 1919, the United States attorney for the Southern Dis- trict of Florida, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the District Court of the United States for said district a libel for the seizure and condemnation of S dozen bottles of Leonardi's Injection No. 1, at Tampa, Fla., consigned by S. B. Leonardi & Co., New York, N. Y., alleging that the article had been shipped from the city of New York on or about March 8, 1919, and transported from the State of New York into the State of Florida, and charging misbranding in violation of the Food and Drugs Act, as amended. The article was labeled in part, "Leonardi's Injection No. 1. * * * Pre- pared Only By S. B. Leonardi & Co., New York, N. Y." Analysis of a sample of the article by the Bureau of Chemistry of this "depart- ment showed that it consisted essentially of an alkaline solution of borax, camphor, and berberine. Misbranding of the article was alleged in substance in the libel for the reason that the label on the cartons and battles contained certain statements regarding the curative and therapeutic effect of said article, to wit, (carton) " Leonardi's Injection No. 1 * * * Used in. Gonorrhoea and Gleet * * *," (bottle) "Leonardi's Injection No. 1 * * * For Gonorrhoea * * *," which statements were false, fraudulent, and misleading in that the article contained no ingredient or combination of ingredients capable of producing the curative and therapeutic effect claimed. On March 12, 1921, no claimant having appeared for the property, judgment of condemnation was entered, and it was ordered by the court that the product be destroyed by the United States marshal. E. D. BALL, Acting Secretary of Agriculture.