S04f>. Misbranding- of fior.nn Pills. V. S. * * * v. 5^ Packages of Loson? Pills. Default decree of condemnation, forfeiture, and destr?.e=*-? tion. (F. & D. Xo. 1.3620. I. S Xo. 5849-t. S. Xo. 2710.) On September 3, 1920, the United States attorney for the District of Massa?? chusetts, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the Dis?? trict Court of the United States for said district a libel of information praying? the seizure and condemnation of 34 packages of Lozon Pills, consigned by the? Lafayette Co., Berlin, X. H., on April 21 and April 28, 1920, remaining unsold? in the original unbroken packages at Worcester, Mass., alleging that the article? had been shipped and transported from the State of Xew Hampshire into the? Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and charging misbranding in violation of the? Food and Drugs Act, as amended. The article was labeled in part, " Lozon? Pills." Analysis of a sample of the product by the Bureau of Chemistry of this de?? partment showed that the pills consisted essentially of ferrous carbonate, nux? vomica, damiana, arsenic, and a laxalive plant drug. It was alleged in substance in the libel of information that the article was? misbranded for the reason that the following statements regarding the cura?? tive and therapeutic effect thereof, (box, English) ''Restores Vitality to weak? men, whether lost by * * * excesses of any kind * * * will * * *? tone up weak men," (French) " Gives a youthful ardor," (wrapper, English and? French) " For Men's Health * "'? * will * * * tone up weak men * * * Xo? cure no pay," (circular, English) '" * * * give new life * * * recom?? mended for young * * * middle age and old men ::' * * troubles * * *? often caused by * * * abuses and bad habits so common among men and? boys," (French) "To give vitality and new energy," (both languages) "Dys?? pepsia Kidney Troubles Rheumatism Affections of the Nerves," were false and? fraudulent in that the said article contained no ingredient or combination of? ingredients capable of producing the effects claimed. On November 23, 1920, no claimant having appeared for the property, judg?? ment of condemnation and forfeiture was entered, and it was ordered by the? court that the product be destroyed by the United States marshal. E. D. BALL, Active/ Secretary of Agriculture. N. J. 8901-8950.] SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS. 315