S7.",fi. ~Ui-rf>raiHlintt of The TevaK Wonder. V. S. * " " v. .*} Dozen JP?ete-? agfis of TUe TevuM Woiwler. JJefatilt decree of condemnation, for?? feiture, auul destruction. (V. &. D No U!21, I. S No C:12-T. K NO.? E-194."J On January 30, 1920. the United Scatts ako) ne> for the Southern Di<4rie E. St rocker, St. Louis, Mo., QU or about January 19. 1920, and trans?? ported from the Stale of Missouri into the State of Georgia, and charging mis? branding in violation of the Food and Drugs Act, as amended. The article was? labeled in part: (Package) " Texas Wonder - : " E. W. Hall, Sole Manu?? facturer Si. Louis. Mo.; '' (carton) " The Texas Wonder, Hall's great discovery? for kiduey and bladder trouble, diabetes, weak and lame hacks, rheumatism? 1 Gravel regulates bladder trouble in children;" (circular, testimonial? of Louis A. Portner, St. Louis, Missouri) " "??"' Began using The Texas Wonder for stone in the kidneys, inflammation of the bladder, and tubercu?? losis of the kidueys?"? ' Urine contained 40 per cent pus. * ?'?' "?' Still? using the medicine -with wonderful results and his -weight had increased Analysis of a sample ol (he article by the Bureau of Chemistry of this depart?? ment showed that if was composed essentially of copaiba, rhubarb, colehicum,? guaiac, turpentine, alcohol, and water. Misbranding of the article was alleged in substance in the libel for the? reason that the above-quoted statements appearing on ihe cax-ton and label? and in the circular were false and fraudulent since the article contained uo? ingredient or combination of ingredients capable of producing the therapeutic? effects claimed. X. J. 8751-8800] SERVICE AND BEGULATOBY ANNOUNCEMENTS. 177 On December 3, 1920, no claimant having appeared for the property, judg?? ment of condemnation and forfeiture was entered, and it was ordered by the? coart that the produce be destroyed by the United States marshal. E. D. BALL, Acting Secretary of Agriculture.