7840. Adulteration of "Vinol. V. S. * * * v. 539 Cases of a Drug- Labeled in Part " Vinol." Consent decree of release of part of the article for export ' and of condemnation and forfeit ire,of the, remainder. Product released on bpnd, (P. & IX No. 9532. A I. S. fvfos. 14257-r, 14258-r, 1425&-r, 14277-r, 14288-r. S. No.,,E-1140.) On December 23, 1918, the United States attorney for the Southern District of New York, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the District Court of the United States for said district a libel ifor the) seizure and condemnation of 539 cases of a drug, labeled in part " Vinoll," remaining unsold in the original unbroken packages at New York, Ni Y., alleging that the article had been shipped on November 7, and November 22, 1917, August 8, 1918, July 8, 1918, and March 13, 1018, by Frederick Stearns & Co., "Detroit, Mich., and transported from the State of Michigan into the State of New York, and charg- ing misbranding in violation of the Food and Drugs Act," as amended. The article was labeled in part, "Vinol * * * for the restoration of force in man * * * reconstructor for sick * * * nervous persons ^* * * and for nursing mothers * * * General Debility: For the Treatment of Chronic or Simple Catarrhs, Cough and Bronchitis, Chronic Bronchitis, Pul- monary Tuberculosis, Pulmonary Debility, Incipient Tuberculosis * * * 1 Released under the proviso in section 2 of the act as an article intended for export to foreign countries, and as having been prepared according to the specifications of foreign purchasers. Delicate Children, Restless sleep * * * Rickets, Scant and Impure Blood, Wasting *? * *." Analyses of samples of the article by the Bureau of Chemistry of this depart- ment showed that it consisted essentially of sherry wine containing protein matter, organic iron (iron peptonate), citrate of iron and ammonium, salicy- lates, phosphates, and probably glycerophosphates of sodium, potassium and calcium, and sodium ehlorid. Misbranding of the article was alleged in the libel in that the statements in a foreign language and in English on the labels on the bottles containing, and on the cartons enclosing, and in the circulars accompanying the article, regard- ing the therapeutic and curative effects of the article, in part, to wit, " Vinol * * * for the restoration of force in man * * :;- reconstructor for sick * * * nervous persons * * * and for nursing mothers * * * General Debility * *- * for the upbuilding of wasted human strength and vitality * * * to tone up the whole organism 'and for the treatment of pulmonary and bronchial affections *? * * For the Treatment of Chronic or Simple Catarrhs, Cough and Bronchitis, Chronic Bronchitis, Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Pulmonary Debility, Incipient Tuberculosis * ' ??' * Delicate Children, Restless Sleep * * * Eickcts, Scant and Impure Blood, Wast- ing * * t* the medicinal and restorative "elements of cod liver oil * * * using in place of cod liver oil, its exti'act, combining the,medicinal elements * * * such a thing takes place with * * * ' Vinol.' * * '- espe- cially recommended for delicate children, lack of spirit, indigestion, physical exhaustion, general weakness, obstinate cold and bronchitis, chronic cough and cold, pulmonary phthisis, chronic weakness, incipient phthisis, cold in lungs, delicacy and nervousness, delicate children, restless sleep, toning up of the stomach * * * twofold benefit on old people by regulating the stomach and giving them new strength, the best reconstructive agent for impaired strength and vitality of the human body * * * all the curative qualities of this remedy * ' * * weak lungs, consumption, cures and strengthens the diseased parts and the inflamed tissue of the lungs, invigorates' the sufferer's system and gives him strength to conquer the disease * * * it possesses the necessary qualities to replace debility with new strength, goes to the root of the disease, enriches the blood and gives force to all the muscles, nerves and organs of ithe body * * * Debilitated Women * * * women * * * become more tifed, weak, thin, nervous and without vitality * * * exert themselves bevond their power and these efforts become visible in diseases of the stomach, anq; in many cases in the form of some terrible female ill, which every woman is anxious to avoid. When in these conditions * * * should try Vinol," were false and fraudulent in that the article contained wine, pro- tein matter, iron in organic combination, such as a peptonate and ammonium citrate and phosphates, probably glycerophosphates of calcium, sodium, and potassium, with a, little sodium ehlorid; the article contained no ingredient or combination of ingredients capable of producing the curative and therapeutic effects claimed for it in the above statements. It was further misbranded in that the statements on the circular accompanying the article regarding the article, to wit, " yiuol * * * the medicinal and restorative elements of cod liver oil * * * using in place of cod liver oil, its extract, containing its medicinal elements * * * such a thing takes place with * * * Vinol," were false and misleading in that the article did not possess the quali- ties ?claimed for it in the above statements. Misbranding was further alleged in the libel as to some of the shipments in that the article making up these shipments contained alcohol, and no label affixed to the bottle containing the article had stated on it the quantity or proportion of the alcohol in the article. 273 On May 28, 1919, Chester Ken! & Co. (Inc.), claimant, having consented to a decree, judgment ordering the release of part of the article for export and of condemnation and forfeiture of the remainder was entered, and it was ordered by the court that this remainder of the product be released to the claimant upon the payment of the costs of the pioceeduigs and the execution of a bond, in conformity wish section 10 of the act. E. D. BALL, Acting Secretary of Agriculture.