7817. Misbranding of D. D. D. Remedy for Eczema. TJ. S. * * * v. 2SJ Dozen Bottles Labeled in Part " D. D. D. Remedy for Eczema * * * Ordinary Strength." Default decree of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction. '. D.-The Lotion for Skin Dis- eases," (booklet, large size) " D. D. D.The Lotion for Skin Disease * * '* In nearly all instances D. Di I), gives relief at once * * * It is indeed true that the first oi; second full size bottle will relieve the itch and will be'found to be sufficient in the majority of cases of skin disease. In practically all cases the fourth or fifth, or\it the very most the sixth bottle will plainly indicate to the patient that he is, on the road to recovery * * * Continue tup. use of D. D. D. prescription until the desired results are obtained * * * D. D. D. is a treatment. * * l * ? the Most Common Forms of Skin Disease Successfully Treated by D. D. D. Eczema (Salt Rheum; Tetter) * * * Psoriasis * * * Barber's Itch * * * Sycosis * * * Acne * * * Dandruff * * * Hives, Nettlerash * * * Plant Poison," (32-page booklet, headed, "Cause and Cure of Skin Diseases") "* * * Read these letters from the chronic sufferers * * * hardly one who had to invest more than four, five or six dollars for a Complete and Permanent Cure. Read also about others cured by the very first dollar bottle * * * In the majority of cases the first or second bottle will relieve the itch and check the disease, and perhaps accom- plish a complete cure and in practically all cases, the fourth or fifth, at the very most the sixth bottle, will plainly indicate to the patient that he is on the road to recovery. As far as reports are received from patients, we have few cases in which more than four or five bottles are required for a cure * * * Diseases Cured by D. D. D. Eczema Acne and Pimples Dermatitis * * * Herpes Hives * * * Poisonous Rashes Itching Piles Psoriasis Dandruff and Affections of the Scalp Barber's Itch and Sycosis Salt Rheum and Tetter Scabies Lichen Red Nose "* * * Itch of all kinds Directions for Each Dis- ease. If You Seek a Positive Cure, Read This Carefully and Follow Instruc- tions :-' - -;' Eczema * * *? ' in Weeping Eczema * * * Dry Ec- zema * * * Infantile Eczema and Baby Rash * * ' * Psoriasis * * * D. D. D. has shown remarkable results in Psoriasis cases * "? * salf Rheum and Tetter * - * Barber's Itch * * * Sycosis :* * * Itching piles (Eczema Ani) * "-' * Dandi'ufE or any Disease of Scalp * ='r * Acne * * *? In Hives, Nettle Rash, Poison Oak and Poison Ivy * * :!'," were false and fraudulent as the article contained no ingredient or combination of ingredients capable of producing the effects claimed for the article by the fore- going statements. On March 17, 1920, no claimant having appeared for the property, judgment of condemnation and forfeiture was entered, and it was ordered by the court that the product! be destroyed by the United States marshal. E. D. BALL, Acting Secretary of Agriculture.