6512. Adulteration and. misbranding of vinegar. TJ. S. * * * v. 10 Bar?? rels * * * of Alleged Cider Vinegar. Default decree of condem?? nation, forfeiture, and sale. (P. & D. No. 8809. I. S. No. 8153-p. S. No.? G-825.) On February 21, 1918, the United States attorney for the Eastern District of? Oklahoma, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the? District Court of the United States" for said district a libel for the seizure-and? condemnation of 10 barrels, each containing 6 dozen pint bottles of alleged cider? vinegar, remaining unsold in the original, unbroken packages at Muskogee,? Okla., alleging that the article had been shipped on or about January 18, 1918,? by the Chicago Chemical Works, Chicago, 111., and transported from the State? of Illinois into the State of Oklahoma, and charging adulteration and mis?? branding in violation of the Food and Drugs Act. The article was labeled in? part, " Navy Brand Pure Cider Vinegar * * * Chicago Chemical Works,? Chicago, Illinois." Adulteration of the article was' alleged in the libel for the reason that dis?? tilled vinegar or added dilute acetic acid had been mixed and packed therewith? so as to reduce, lower, and injuriously affect its quality and strength, and had? been substituted in part for cider vinegar, which the article purported to be. Misbranding of the article was alleged for the reason that it was an imita?? tion of, and was offered for sale under the distinctive name of, another? article, to wit, elder vinegar, and for the further reason that it was labeled and? branded so as to mislead and deceive the purchaser thereof. On June 22, 1918, no claimant having appeared for the property, judgment? of condemnation and forfeiture was entered, and it was ordered by the court? that the product should be sold by the United States marshal after first prop?? erly labeling and branding. C. F. MARVIN, Acting Secretary of Agriculture. 14 BUREAU OF CHEMISTRY. [Supplement 61.