C294. Misbranding of macaroni. TT. S. * * * v. A. F. Ghigrlione & Sons, a? corporation. Plea of gnilty. Fine, $100. (F. & D. No. 7567. I. S. No.? 20904-1.) On September 23,1918, the United States attorney for the WTestern District of? "Washington, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the? District Court of the United States for said?district an information against A.? F. Ghiglione & Sons, a corporation, Seattle, Wash., alleging the shipment by? said company, in violation of the Food and Drugs Act, on or about March 2J,,? 1916, from the State of Washington into the State of Oregon, of a quantity of an? article labeled in part, " Gragnano Macaroni Brand Italian Macaroni," which? was misbranded. Misbranding of the article was alleged in the information for the reason that? the statement, to wit, " Gragnano Macaroni Brand Italian Macaroni Manufac?? turers, Qualita Insuperabile. Prepared for exportation," regarding the article,? with a certain pictorial design representing an Italian scene, and the general? style of the package were false and misleading in that they indicated that $fee? article was a foreign product, to wit, a macaroni produced in the Kingdom^? Italy; and for the further reason that it was labeled as aforesaid so as to de?? ceive and mislead the purchaser into the belief that it was a foreign product, *to? wit, a macaroni produced in the kingdom of Italy, when, in truth and in fact,it? was not a foreign product, to wit, a macaroni produced in the kingdom of Itjpiy,? but was a domestic product, to wit, a macaroni produced in the United State* of? America ; and for the further reason that the label and pictorial design, tog&fher? with the general style of the package, purported the article to be a foreign prod?? uct, to wit, a macaroni produced in the kingdom of Italy, whereas, in truth ..and? in fact, it was not a foreign product, to wit, a macaroni produced in the kingdom? of Italy, but was a domestic product, to wit, a macaroni produced in the United? States of America. On November 25, 1918, the defendant company entered a plea of guilty ta the? information, and the court imposed a fine of $100. CLARENCE OUSLEY, Acting Secretary of Agricultuyft. N. J.6251-6300] SERVICE AND- BEG-TTLATOEY AH'H'OUJSrCBMBJSrTS. 337