6233. Misbranding: of cottonseed meal. TJ. S. * * * v. 500 Sacks of Cot?? tonseed Meal. Product ordered released on bond. (F. & D. No. K52-C.) On November 8, 1917, the United States attorney for the District of Maine,? acting upon a report by the chief food and drug inspector, in charge of foods,? drugs, and feeding stuffs, of Augusta, Me., filed in the District Court of the? United States for said district a libel for the seizure and condemnation of 500? sacks of cottonseed meal, remaining unsold in the original unbroken packages? at Auburn, Me., alleging that the article had been shipped on or about October? 8, 1917, and transported from the State of Georgia into the State of Maine, and? charging misbranding in violation of the Food and Drugs Act. The article was? labeled in part, " Second Class Cotton Seed Meal." It was alleged in substance in the libel that the article was misbranded for? the reason that the statement, borne on the sacks, regarding the ingredients or? substances contained therein, to wit, " 100 Pounds Second Class Cotton Seed? Meal * * * Guaranteed Analysis Ammonia (actual and potential)?7.00? Per Cent (equal to protein 38.00 Per Cent) * * *," was false and mis?? leading in that the sacks did not contain ammonia, actual and potential, of? 7 per cent equal to protein 36 per cent, but contained an amount of protein? materially less than 36 per cent; and for the further reason that said label or? inscription was false in that the sacks did not contain 100 pounds of cottonseed? meal, but contained an amount materially less than 100 pounds. On November 30, 1917, the Bast St. Louis Cotton Oil Co., claimant, having? filed a claim for the release of the product, it was ordered by the court that the? product should be released to said claimant upon the execution of a bond in the? sum of $1,000, in conformity with section 10 of the act. G. I. CHKISTIE, Acting Secretary of Agriculture. N. J. 6201-6250] SERVICE AKD REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS. 273