6130. Adulteration and misbranding of vinegar. 17. S. * * * v, 52 Bar?? rels of Vinegar. Product ordered released upon payment of costs. (F. & D. No. 7234. I. g. Nos. 12420-1, 12421-1. g. No. C-453.) On March 2, 1916, the United States attorney for the Western District of? Wisconsin, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the? District Court of the United States for said district a libel for the seizure and? condemnation of 52 barrels of vinegar, remaining unsold in the original un?? broken packages at Beloit, Wis., alleging that the article had been shipped on? or about December 13, 1915, by Barrett & Barrett, a corporation, Chicago,? Ilk, and transported from the State of Illinois into the State of Wisconsin, and? charging adulteration and misbranding* in violation of the Food and Drugs Act. Adulteration of the article was alleged in the libel for the reason that it con?? sisted wholly or in part of distilled vinegar or diluted acetic acid and a foreign? substance mixed therewith, so as to reduce and injuriously affect its quality and? strength. It was alleged in substance that the article was misbranded for the reason? that it was labeled, "Cider Vinegar. Reduced to 4? " or "41?," as the case? might be, " acetic strength," whereas it was not cider vinegar, but was a mix?? ture of acetic acid or distilled vinegar and a product containing foreign matter,? prepared in imitation of cider vinegar, and the label thereon regarding the in?? gredients and substances contained therein was false and misleading. On January 19, 1918, the court having read the petition of Barrett & Bar?? rett, claimant, and reposing confidence in the representations of the petitioners? to the effect that they would not unlawfully sell, offer for sale, or otherwise? dispose of the vinegar, but would properly mark and lawfully brand the same? in case of sale and shipment, and on the further agreement to pay all storage? and other charges, together with the costs of the proceedings, and that the said? petitioners would abide by any further orders of the court relative to the? matter, it was ordered by the court that the vinegar should be delivered to said? claimant and that the libel should be dismissed. R. A. PEARSON, Acting Secretary, of Agriculture. "N. J. 6101-6150.] SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS. 145