5220. Adulteration of oats. TJ. S. * * * -v. Jolin S. McDonald and Morris? J. McDonald (McDonald & Co.). Plea of gwilty. Fine, $200 and? costs. (F. & D. .No. 7600. I. S. Nos. 11692-k, 11697-k, 11698-k, 11699-k,? 16109-k, 16110-k.) On November 17, 1916, the grand jurors of the United States, within and for? the District of Indiana, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture,? upon presentment by the United States attorney for said district, returned an? indictment against John S. McDonald and Morris J. McDonald, trading as Mc?? Donald & Co., New Albany, Inch, charging shipment by said defendants, in vio?? lation of the Food and Drugs Act, on May 29, 1915, from the State of Indiana? into the State of Alabama, and on June 1, 1915, from the State of Indiana into? the States of Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama, respectively, of? quantities of oats, which article was adulterated. The article was labeled in? part: " * * * Purified Oats * * *," except one shipment which was un?? labeled. Analysis of a sample of the article in each shipment by the Bureau of Chem?? istry of this department showed that it contained added water. Adulteration of the article in each shipment was charged in the indictment? for the reason that a certain substance, to wit, water, had been mixed and? packed- therewith so as to reduce, lower, and injuriously affect its quality and? strength, and had been substituted in part for oats, which the article purported? to be. On December 4, 191G, the defendants entered pleas of guilty to the indictment,? and the court imposed a fine of $200 and costs. CAEL VEOOMAN, Acting Secretary of Agriculture. 252 BUBEAU OP CHEMISTRY. [Supplement 35.