4JM5. Adulteration ?f condensed milk and skimmed milk. V. S. * * * v.? 1,215 Cases of Condensed Mills. Consent decree of condemnation and forfeiture. Product ordered released on Bond. (P. & D. No. 7165. I. S. Nos. 2632-1, 2633-1, 2634-1, 2635-1, 2636-1. S. No. E-531.) Ou January 19, 1916, the United States attorney for the Southern District? of New York, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in? the District Court of the United States for said district a libel for the seizure? and condemnation of 1,215 cases of condensed milk, remaining unsold in the? original unbroken packages at New York, N. Y., alleging that the article had? been shipped on or about January 1, 191G, and transported from the State of? Louisiana into the Stare of New York, and charging adulteration in violation of? the Food and Drugs Act. Adulteration of the article was alleged in the libel for the reason that it con?? sisted in part of a filthy, decomposed, or putrid animal substance, to wit, spoiled,? cheesy condensed milk. On May 22, 1916, the South Holland Milk Corp., New York, N. Y., claimant,? having filed a stipulation admitting the allegations in the libel and con?? senting to a decree, judgment of condemnation and forfeiture was entered,? and it was ordered by the court that the article should be delivered to said? claimant upon the payment of the costs of the proceedings and the execution of? a bond in the sum of $2,300, conditioned in part that said article should be? shipped to York, Pa., and there delivered to a representative of this department? to be inspected and sorted, and that the portion of said article that was found? unfit for food should be destroyed or denatured, and that the balance should be? released to said claimant. B. A. PEAESOJN, Acting Secretary of Agriculture. 594 BTJBEAU OF CHEMISTRY. [Supplement 29.