BUREAU- OF CHEMISTRY.?"?[Supplement 24. 4673. Misbranding of " Br. D. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy." U. S. v. Dr. David? Kennedy Co., a corporation, trading as Dr. David Kennedy's Sons. Plea? of guilty. Fine, $50. (F. & D. No. 7079. I. S. No. 9594-h.) On April 17, 1916, the United States attorney for the Southern District of? New York, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the? District Court of the United States for said district an information against the? Dr. David Kennedy Co., a corporation, trading as Dr. David Kennedy's Sons,? Rondout, N. Y., alleging shipment by said company, in violation of the Food? and Drugs Act, as amended, on February 28, 1914, from' the State of New York? into the State of Connecticut, of a quantity of " Dr. D. Kennedy's Favorite? Remedy," which was misbrancled. The article was labeled: (On carton, front)? "Net 10 ozs. Dr. D. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. Contains 18.4? Alcohol.? A Medicine for Purifying the Blood, Restoring the Disordered Liver to a? healthy condition, and correcting* the worst cases of Habitual Constipation of? the Bowels. It is a valuable remedy for the Diseases and Weaknesses peculiar? to Females, and affords great protection from attacks that originate in Change? of Life, of seasons, and of climate. For Scrofula and all Scrofulous Affection's,? Eruptive and Cutaneous Diseases, Pain in the Bones, Suppurative or Mercurial? Diseases, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder;? Gravel, Diabetes, and all Urinary Deposits, indeed all disorders arising from? an impure state of the Blood; It is certainly one of the best Alterative Medi?? cines ever offered to the public for restoring tone and strength to the system? which has been Debilitated by Disease. Price One Dollar. Directions on Inside? Wrapper. Dr. David Kennedy Co., Rondout, N. Y. U. S. A." (Back of carton,? same as front, except that " Net'10 ozs.," does not appear.) (Sides) " Favorite? "iemedy, for the Blood and Liver." " Discovery of Dr. D. Kennedy, of Rondout,? City of Kingston, N. Y." (Top flap) " Dr. David Kennedy's Salt Rheum? Cream. Be sure you get Salt Rheum cream, not Salt Rheum Ointment. Best? in the world for Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Erysipelas, Scrofulous Ulcers, Tet?? ter, Dandruff, Ringworm, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, etc. Price 50 cts. a jar. This? outside wrapping adopted 1902." (Sticker on top flap) "Dr. David Kennedy's? Genuine Preparations. D. Kennedy M. D. Rondout, N. Y. Rondout, N. Y."? (Cut of building bearing sign on front) "1875 Established Dr. D. Kennedy's? Favorite Remedy." (Bottom flaps) "Dr. David Kennedy's Golden Drops.? Internal and external remedy, affording instant relief in Cholera Morbus,? Cramps and in all bowel and stomach troubles?also for Neuralgia, Rheuma?? tism, Bruises, Burns, etc. .Price 25 and 50 cts. per bottle. Dr. David Ken?? nedy's Worm Syrup. Most effective medicine of the kind known. Price 25 cts.? per bottle. Use Dr. David Kennedy's Golden Plasters. They are porous,? strengthen the muscles, remove pain from all parts of the body, especially? useful over the back, kidneys and liver. The best plaster made. Price 15 cts.? each. Dr. David Kennedy's Rose Jelly. For the Radical cure of Catarrh,? Hay Fever, Cold in the head, etc. Price 50 cts. per bottle. Dr. David Ken?? nedy's Magic Eye Salve. For all diseases of the eye. Granulations or affec?? tions of the Lids, inflammation or weakness of any cause." (On bottle) "Dr.? D. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. Contains 18.4? Alcohol. A Medicine for? Purifying the Blood and restoring the Disordered Liver to a healthy condition,? and most effectually correcting Habitual Constipation of the Bowels. It is? a valuable remedy for the Diseases and Weaknesses peculiar to Females, and? affords great protection from attacks that originate in Change of Life, of? Season and of Climate. Used for Scrofula and all Scrofulous Affections, Erup?? tive and Cutaneous Diseases, such as St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas,? Pustules, Tetter or Salt Rheum, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Scald Head, Ring?? worm, Ulcers and Sores, Tumors, Pain in the Bones, Syphilitic and Mercurial N. J. 4651-4700.] SERVICE AND REGULATORY AJSriSTOOTfCEMENTS. - ,229 Diseases, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder,? Gravel, Diabetes, and all Urinary Deposits, and indeed for all disorders arising? from an impure state of the blood; and it is beyond doubt one of the best? Alterative Medicines ever offered to the Public for restoring Tone and Strength? to the system that has been Debilitated by Disease. Price, $1.00. Fac-Simile? Signature of the Discoverer D. Kennedy M. D. No. 943 Guaranteed under? U. S. Food and Drugs Act, June 30, 1906 Dr. David Kennedy's Sons, Rondout,? N. Y. Directions for Using Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. Dose foi? an adult?One teaspoonful three times a day, half hour after breakfast, dinner,? and upon going to bed. Dose for a delicate person?half to a teaspoonful? twice a day. Dose for a child, ten to fifteen?half teaspoonful twice a day.? Dose for infants, one to two?three to ten drops twice a clay. Always dilute? in three times the quantity of sweet milk, or hot water. It should operate? on the bowels once or twice a day. If it acts too strongly on the bowels lessen? the dose and take it in sweet milk if agreeable, if not, take clear Favorite? Remedy, drinking cold water after, returning to the full dose, as soon as the? bowels permit. In severe cases of constipation, increase dose and take it in? one-half glass hot water. Use faithfully." (Same directions in German)? " David Kennedy, M. D. For more full directions see page 31 of book wrapped? around bottle. Contains 18.4? of the purest grain alcohol." The booklet? accompanying the article contained, among other things, the following: " Dr.? David Kennedy's Preparations ? (we give list of ingredients upon request)? Favorite Remedy Price $1.00 Used successfully in Kidney, Liver and? Blood disorders: Gravel Stone, Inflammation of the Bladder, Scrofula and? all Blood Humors." " Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy leads the list of ad?? vertised remedies for Constipation. We believe no other medicine can pro?? duce the same results with a like degree of satisfaction. The most obstinate? cases of constipation, and the many disorders that follow in its train, such as? Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Headache, Cerebral Congestion, Disordered Stomach,? Piles, Female Irregularities, Low Spirits, Kidney and Bladder Troubles, etc.,? are wonderfully relieved by its timely use." " For all diseases of the Kidneys,? Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is most helpful." " Dr. Kennedy's Favorite? Remedy is highly recommended for all diseases of the Kidneys." "Uraemia? Symptoms: Headache, droAvsiness, Nausea, vomiting, impaired vision, specks? before the eyes, shortness of breath, suppression of urine, dizziness, irregular? heart, convulsions, delirium, coma, or insensibility. 'The whole body" is satu?? rated with a poisonous by-product of digestion called urea that is formed in the? glands, in dropsical effusions of the blood, and in the perspiration. As this is? also one of the effects of faulty digestion, one of the best treatments obtainable? is the use of Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy." " Favorite Remedy for all? kidney disorders." "Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is of the greatest value? in the treatment of various blood and skin diseases, such as Salt Rheum,? Scrofula, Ulcers, Scald Head, Erysipelas, Fever Sores, Pimples, Boils, Car?? buncles, Ulcerated Sore Legs, and many other forms of skin troubles." " Ma?? laria?Death in the Breeze. The best medicine with which it can be success?? fully combated is Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy." "Favorite Remedy is? the best preventive of Chills and Malarial Fever you can use." " In the treat?? ment of Scrofulous Ulcers, Sores, Glandular Swellings, and various forms of? Eczema, its remedial power is far beyond that of any other advertised prepara?? tion. It is not merely for temporary relief, but, by its action in purifying the? blood, may truly be said to strike at the roots of blood diseases." " Scrofula,? Erysipelas, Fever Sores, Measles. Ulcers and other Blood Disorders are all? caused by impure blood, for the removal of which Dr. Kennedy's Favorite? Remedy is so highly recommended." " Milk or White Leg.?This disease is an 230 BUREAU OP CHEMISTRY. [Supplement 24. exceedingly painful inflammation and swelling of one or more of the lower? limbs. The Favorite Remedy may be used with great satisfaction." " For? Affections of the Kidneys, such as Diabetes, Dropsy, Ulceration, Degeneration,? Wasting Away, Enlargement, InflaVornation, and all conditions of the Kidneys? and Bladder, the safe and positive remedy is Favorite Remedy." Analyses of a sample of the article by the Bureau of Chemistry of this de?? partment showed the following results: Alcohol (per cent by volume)?'.?,? 18.00 Nonvolatile matter (per cent)? 59.10 Ash (per cent)? 1.27 Sucrose (per cent)? 48.90 Potassium acetate (grams per 100 cc)? 4.15 Methyl salicylate, aloes, licorice, and oil of sassafras: Present. Misbranding of the article was alleged in the information for the reason? that the following statements regarding the therapeutic or curative effects? thereof, appearing on the label aforesaid, to wit, (On carton) "Dr. D. Ken?? nedy's Favorite Remedy. * * * for * * * correcting the worst cases? of Habitual Constipation of the Bowels. It is a valuable remedy for the dis?? eases and weaknesses peculiar to females and affords great protection from? attacks that originate in Change of Life, of seasons, and of climate. For? Scrofula and all Scrofulous Affections, Eruptive and Cutaneous Diseases *?? * * Suppurative or Mercurial Diseases, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Ulcera?? tion of the Kidneys and Bladder; Gravel, Diabetes, and all Urinary Deposits, '? indeed all disorders arising from an impure state of the blood * * *."? (On bottle) "Dr. D. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy * * * for * * * most? effectually correcting Habitual Constipation of the Bowels * * * Used for? Scrofula and all Scrofulous Affections, Eruptive and Cutaneous Diseases, such? as St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Pustules, Tetter or Salt Rheum *?* * Ring Worm, Ulcers * * ' * Tumors * * * Syphilitic and Mer?? curial Diseases * * *," and included in the booklet aforesaid, to wit,? " Dr. David Kennedy's Preparations * * * Favorite Remedy * * *? Used successfully in * * * Inflammation of the Bladder * * * and all? Blood Humors," " * * * Piles * * * are wonderfully relieved by its? timely use," "For all diseases of the Kidneys, Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy? is most helpful." " Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is highly recommended for? all diseases of the Kidneys," " Uraemia * * * one of the best treatments? obtainable is the use of Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy," " Favorite Remedy? for all kidney disorders," " Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is of the greatest? value in the treatment of * * * Carbuncles * * *," "Malaria?Death? in the Breeze?The best medicine with which it can be successfully combatted? is Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy * * *," " Favorite Remedy is the best? preventive of Chills and Malarial Fever you can use," "* * * Measles *?* * for the removal of which Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is so highly? recommended," " Milk or White Leg * * * The Favorite Remedy may be? used with great satisfaction," " For Affections of the Kidneys, such as * * *? Degeneration, Wasting Away, Enlargement, Inflammation . * * * the safe? and positive remedy is Favorite Remedy," were false and fraudulent in that the? same were applied to the article knowingly, and in reckless and wanton dis?? regard of their truth or falsity, so as to represent falsely and fraudulently? to the purchasers thereof, and create in the minds of purchasers thereof the? impression and belief, that it was, in whole or in part, composed of, or con?? tained, ingredients or medicinal agents effective, among other things, for cor?? recting the worst cases of habitual constipation of the bowels,, as a valuable N. J. 4651-4700.] SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS. 231 remedy for the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to females, effective to afford? protection from attacks that originate in change of life, of seasons, and of? climate; as a remedy for scrofula and all scrofulous affections, eruptive and? cutaneous diseases, suppurative and mercurial diseases, rheumatism, dyspepsia,? ulceration of the kidneys and bladder, gravel, diabetes, and all urinary deposits;? for all disorders arising from an impure state of the blood; as a cure for all? cases of habitual constipation of the bowels; as a remedy for St. Anthony's? fire, rose or erysipelas, pustules, tetter or salt rheum, boils, ring worms, ulcers,? tumors, and syphilitic diseases; for inflammation of the bladder and all blood? humors; as a relief for piles; as a remedy for all diseases of the kidneys; for? uremia and all kidney disorders; for carbuncles and malaria; as a preventive? of chills and malarial fever; effective to strike at the roots of blood diseases,? and effective as a remedy for measles and milk leg; for degeneration of the? kidneys, wasting away of the kidneys, enlargement of the kidneys, and in?? flammation of the kidneys, when, in truth and in fact, it was not, in whole or? in part, composed of, and did not contain, such ingredients or medicinal agents1.? On May 4, 1916, the defendant company entered a plea of guilty to the ir>? formation, and the court imposed a fine of $50. CARL VKOOMAN, Acting Secretary of 'Agriculture. 232 BUREAU OF CHEMISTRY. [Supplement 24.