4448. Misbranding- of " Virogeno." IT. S. v. Giustino Sallusto (Gr. Sallusto &? Co.). Plea of s-uilty. Fine, $50. (F. & D. No. 6426. I. S. No. 4762-e.) On November 3, 1915, the United States attorney for the Southern District? of New York, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the? District Court of the United States for said district an information against? Giustino Sallusto, trading as G. Sallusto & Co., New York, N. Y., alleging the? sale by said defendant, in violation of the Food and Drugs Act, as amended,? on May 28, 1913, under a guaranty that the article of drugs was not adulterated? or rnisbranded within the meaning of said Food and Drugs Act, of a quantity of? " Virogeno," which was a rnisbranded article within the meaning of said act? as amended, and which said article was shipped by the purchaser thereof, on? or about May 29, 1913, in the identical condition in which received from the? defendant, and transported from the State of New York into the State of Penn?? sylvania, in further violation of said act as amended. The article was labeled:? (On bottle) "Virogeno II piu' potente Ricostituente Bigeneratore del Sangue? e del Sistema Nervoso A Base di Glicerofosfato Ferro Calcio Arsen. Chinina? Stricn.; ecc. (Cuts of medals and badges) Le massime onorificenze ottenute? In tutte le Principali Esposizioni del Mondo Preparazione Medicinale Ricettata? dal Prof. Domenico Avena di Napoli Efficacissimo per : Anemia?Esaurimento?? Debolezza generale ? Neurastenia ? Rachitide ? Inappetenza ? Malattie dello? Stomaco ?? Dolori di Testa ? Impotenza ? ecc. ecc. Dosi: Per gli adulti un? cucchiaio da zuppa tre volte al giorno, per gli adoloscenti un cucchiaio da zuppa? due volte al giorno; per i bambini due cucchiaini da caffe al giorno, sempre? prima dei pasti. (Cut of lion with pestle and mortar) In vendita presso tutte? le buone Farmacie del Mondo, all' ingrosso presso: Gli Unici Agenti Concession?? al, Rappresentanti la Ditta Produttiva in New York Ditta G. Sallusto & Co.? Prezzo : Un Dallaro la Bottiglia." (Back of bottle) " Virogeno' the best tonic for? the Blood and Nervous System Special Prescription of the Prof. Domenico? Avena Naples (Italy) Contain only 10? alcohol. Prepared by G. Sallusto? & Co. Representing in New York of the Ditta P. Stefanile & Co. of Naples? (Italy) Guaranteed by G. Sallusto & Co. under the pure food and drugs' Act,? June 30?1906. Serial No. 18726." (Blown in bottom of bottle) "Napoli."? (On carton) "Virogeno II piu' potente Ricostituente Rigeneratore del Sangue? e del Sistema Nervoso A Base di Glicerofosfato Ferro Calcio Arsen. Chinina? Stricn.; ecc. (Cut of medals and badges) Le Massime onorificenze ottenute? in tutte le Principali Esposizioni del Mondo Brevettata Preparazione Medicinale? Ricettata fin dal 1880 dal Prof. Domenico Avena di Napoli Efficacissimo per:? Anemia ?? Esaurimento ? Debolezza generale ? Neurastenia ? Rachitide ? In?? appetenza ? Malattie dello stomaco ? Dolori di Testa ? Impotenza, ecc. ecc.? Dosi: Per gli adulti un cucchiaio da zuppa tre volte al giorno, per gli? adoloscenti un cucchiaio da zuppa due volte al giorno; per i bambini? due cucchiaini da caffe al giorno, sempre prima del pasti. (Cut of lion with? pestle and mortar) In vendita presso tutte le buone Farmacie del Mondo. All? ingrosso presso: Gli Unici Agenti Concessionary Rappresentanti le Ditta Produt?? tiva in New York Ditta G. Sallusto & Co. Prezzo Un Dollaro la Bottiglia. Reg.? IT. S. Pat. Off." (Sticker below main label) " Prezzo?Un Dollaro la Bottiglia.? In vendita presso tutte le buone farmacie degli Stati Uniti d presso la Ditta R. M.? Gigante, 155 Prince St., New York." (On back of carton, English label) " Viro?? geno The best tonic for the blood and nervous system Special Prescription of the? Prof. Domenico Avena Naples (Italy) Contain only 10? alcohol. Prepared by? G. Sallusto & Co. Representing In New York of the Ditta P. Stefanile & Co. of? Naples (Italy) Guaranteed by G. Sallusto & Co. under the pure food and drugs'? Act. June 30, 1906. Serial No. 18726." (On one side, red seal with words)? "Virogeno Prof. Domenico Avena" (and cut of lion with mortar and pestle.) K. J. 4401-4460.] SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANN-OUJSTCEMENTS. f00 (On other side, red seal with words) "Virogeno Prof. Domenico Avena" (and? cut of lion with mortar and pestle.) The booklet accompanying the article? contained, among other things, the following: " Virogeno ha rispbsto oltre? Faspettativa ed ha dato risultati certi di guarigione in tutte le forme di esauri-? mento, anemia sempliee e nervosa, debolezza di ogni genere, neurastenia,? scrofola, rachitismo, inapotenza virile, spermatorrea, malattie spinali, emierania,? malattie di stomaco, reumatismi, ece.," " Durata Delia Cura.?Bisogna essere? constant! nella cura del Virogeno, altrimenti val meglio non eominciarla, se si? desiderano i benefici effetti del riraedio. Generalmente varia a secondo del? casi piu o meno gravi, por i Quali l'uomo si sottopone a tale trattamento? curativo, ma con l'uso di almeno sei bottiglio si ottiene un effetto sicuro e? permanente." (Translation) "Virogeno has answered beyond expectation and? has given positive results of recovery in* all forms of exhaustion, anemia,? simple and nervous, debility of every kind, neurasthenia, scrofula, rickets,? manly impotence, spermatorrhea, spinal diseases, hemicrania, stomach troubles,'? rheumatism, etc." " Length of treatment. It is necessary to be constant in? the treatment of Virogeno, otherwise it is better not to begin it, if you desire? beneficial results from the remedy. Generally it varies as the case is more? or less severe according to the needs of the patient who undertakes the treat-'? ment, but with the use of at least 6 bottles a secure and permanent cure is? effected."? Analysis of a sample of the article by the Bureau of Chemistry of this de?? partment showed the following results, expressed as grams per 100 cc, except? as otherwise stated. Alcohol (per cent by volume)? 4.16 Solids? ,?24. 53 Sucrose??__? 4.15 Reducing sugars, before inversion? 17.76 Reducing sugars, after inversion?:? 22.13 Ash?.? 0. 61 Ash insoluble in water? 0. 59 Iron (Fe2Os)? 0.10 Calcium (CaO)? 0.10 Phosphoric acid (P20B)? :? 0.33 Arsenic (AsaOa)? 0. 006 Quinine? 0.15 Strychnine? 0.01 Test for nitrates : Positive. Misbranding of the article was alleged in the information for the reason that? the following statements regarding the therapeutic or curative effects thereof,? appearing in the booklet aforesaid, to wit, " Virogeno ha risposto oltre Faspetta?? tiva ed ha dato risultati certi di guarigione in tutte le forme di esaurimento, *?* * debolezza di ogni genere, neurastenia, scrofula, * * * impotenza,? ' * *?? spermatorrea, * * * rheumatismi * * *," li Con L'uso di al?? meno sei bottiglie si ottiene un effetto sicuro e permanente." (Translation)? "Virogeno has -answered beyond expectation and has given positive results of? recovery in all forms of exhaustion, * ? * * debility of every kind, neuras?? thenia, scrofula, * * * . impotence, spermatorrhea, * * * rheumatism, *?* *," "With the use of at least 6 bottles a secure and permanent cure is? effected," were false and fraudulent in that the same were applied to the? article knowingly, and in reckless and wanton disregard of their truth or? falsity, so as to represent falsely and fraudulently to the purchasers thereof,? and create in the minds of purchasers thereof the impression and belief, that 710 BUREAU OP CHEMISTRY. [Supplement 19, it was, in whole or in part, composed of, or contained, ingredients or medicinal? agents effective, among other things, as a cure for all the forms of exhaustion,? for debility of every kind, for neurasthenia, scrofula, and impotence, and for? spermatorrhea and rheumatism, when, in truth and in fact, it was not, in? "whole or in part, composed of, and did not contain, such ingredients or medicinal? agents. Misbranding was alleged for the further reason that the statements,? to wit, (In Italian on carton and bottle) " Virogeno * * * The greatest? honors obtained in all the principal expositions of the world brevetted medicinal? preparations received at the close of 1880 from Prof. Domenico Avena of Naples.? * * * The only commissioned agents, representing the said product in New? York. The said G. Sallusto & Co. * * *" (Blown in bottom of bottle)? " Napoli," regarding the article and the ingredients or substances contained? therein were false and misleading in that they indicated that the article was? of foreign origin, to wit, a product of Italy, whereas, in truth and in fact, it? was not, but was an article of domestic origin, manufactured in the United? Btates of America. Misbranding was alleged for the further reason that the? statement, to wit, " 10? alcohol," borne on the label attached to the bottle? and on the carton, was false and misleading in that it indicated that the? article contained 10 per cent alcohol, whereas, in truth and in fact, it did not,? but contained a less amount, to wit, 4.16 per cent alcohol. On November 8, 1915, the defendant entered a plea of guilty to the infor?? mation, and the court imposed a fine of $50. OAEL VEOOMAN, Acting Secretary of Agriculture. N. J. 4401-4450.] SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS. 711