4410. Misbranding of "Alcliermes di Firen/,e," " Liatiore Garibaldi," and? " Menta Glaciale " and adulteration and misbranding of " Gx-ana-? tina." IT. S. v. Mariani Bros., a corporation. Plea of grnilty. Fine,? $25.# (F. & D. No. 6228. I. S. Nos. 6762-h, 6763-h, 6764-h, 25926-h.) On April 1,1916, the United States attorney for the Southern District of Nejv? York, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the District? Court of the United States for said district an information against Mariani? Bros., a corporation, New York, N. Y., alleging shipment by said company,? in violation of the Food and Drugs Act, (1) on December 4, 1913, from the? State of New York into the State of Pennsylvania, of quantities of "Alchermes? di Firenze," " Liquore Garibaldi," and " Menta Glaciale," which were mis-? branded ; and (2) on May 19, 1914, from the State of New York into the State? of West Virginia, of a quantity of " Granatina," which was adulterated and.? misbranded. The "Alchermes di Firenze" was labeled: (On fancy bottle)? (Main label) "Alchermes di Firenze. Qualita Extra Superiore" Picture of? prince carrying a tray bearing one bottle and three glasses, castle in distance,? floral scrolls, etc. (Shoulder label) Monogram "M B" (Strip label) "This? bottle contains 24 fluid ounces. Artificially colored with a certified color,"? (On neck) " Distilleria Italiana." The " Liquore Garibaldi " was labeled: (On? fancy bottle) (Main label) " Liquore Garibaldi" (picture of foreign flag in? green, white, and red; picture of Garibaldi, rays, etc.) (Red, white, and green? neck label.) "Guaranteed by Mariani Bros. Under The Food and Drugs Act,? June 30th 1906. Mariani Bros. New York. Under Serial No. 36369." The? "Menta Glaciale" was labeled: (On fancy bottle) (Main label) "Menta Gla-? eiale" (Mountain scene probably intended to represent the Alps) "Alpina "? (foreign medals) "Eccellente Bibita ricavata dalle rinomate Menta Alpine,? colte alia fioritura. Viene usata pura o con acqua e si raccomanda pel suo? ecoezionale aroma. Igienica Digestiva Rinfrescante. Menta Glaciale Al?? pina." (On red, white, and green strip) "Guaranteed by Mariani Bros. Under? The Food and Drugs Act, June 30th 1906. Mariani. Bros. New York. Under? Serial No. 36369." (On shoulder label) Monogram " M B." Analyses of samples of these articles by the Bureau of Chemistry of this? department showed the following results: Alcohol (per cent by volume) Methyl alcohol? Sucrose, by Clerget (per cent) Glucose? Artificial color? Alchermes di? Firenze. 27.6S None 26.45 None Amaranth. >. Liquore Garibaldi. 23.75 None 24.50 None Mixture of amaranth? and caramel. Menta Glaciale. 30.60. None. 24.93. None.