4386. Misbranding- of "Croxone." V. S. * * * v. The American Croione? Co., a corporation. Plea o-f gruilty. Fine, $25 and costs. (F. & D. No. 6106. I. S. No. 9443-e.) On March 13, 1915, the United States attorney for the Northern District of? Ohio, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the District? Court of the United States for said district an information "against The Ameri?? can Croxone Co., a corporation, Cleveland, Ohio, alleging shipment by said com?? pany, in violation of the Food and Drugs Act, as amended, on or about April 14,? 1913, from the State of Ohio into the State of Georgia, of a quantity of " Crox?? one," which was misbranded. The article was labeled: " Croxone For Kidney? and Bladder Troubles For Kidney and Bladder Troubles, Headache, Backache,? Lame Back, Dizziness, Poor Digestion, Sleeplessness, Nervousness, Heart? Trouble, Skin Eruptions from Bad Blood, Neuralgia, Bheumatism, Lumbago,? Bloating, Irritability, Worn Out Feeling, Lack of Ambition and Sallow Com?? plexion where Kidney Troubles are responsible. None Genuine except that dis?? tributed by The American Croxone Co., Cleveland, Ohio, U. S. A. Price 65? Cents. Guaranteed by The American Croxone Co., under the food and Drugs? act, June 30, 1906. Serial No. 36298. Directions For Adults?For the first two? or three days, take two globules as a dose three times a day preferably after? each meal, morning, noon and night; swallow with at least a half a glass of? water. Thereafter reduce the dose to one globule after each meal and one be?? fore retiring at night. If the bowels do not move freely, use your favorite laxa?? tive for this purpose. Drink plenty of pure, fresh water while taking Croxone,? as this will help the treatment in its work. Be sure to drink at least a half a? glass of water with each dose. Cut here to open box." The circular or? pamphlet accompanying the article contained, among other things, the fol?? lowing statements: " The remarkable results obtained by Croxone in kidney? diseases, rheumatism, urinary and bladder afflictions, and diseases resulting? therefrom, are due to its strengthening, healing effects, which, combined with? its power of eliminating uric acid and other poisonous impurities from the sys?? tem, make it a reliable and dependable agent, adapted to the speedy relief of such? diseases. The results obtained in many chronic, stubborn cases of long standing? are equally as gratifying as where the troubles are of a short duration, except? that in the former longer treatment is necessary. Croxone contains the elements? best adapted to the treatment of such troubles. In some cases one treatment is? all that is necessary to give permanent relief, while other cases require several? boxes. Its use should be continued as long as the slightest trace or symptoms of? such troubles remain," " While the kidneys are the direct cause of many troubles,? they are often the least suspected by the patient, for the poisons heing carried? into the general system, the weakest part of the body is usually the first to break? down. Such conditions are responsible for most cases of Rheumatism, Dropsy,? Gravel Stones, Urinary Troubles, General Weakness, Nervousness, and numerous? other troubles, all of which may be directly- traced to the kidneys, the real cause? of the trouble. By the use of Croxone to cleanse, purify and strengthen the? kidneys, such conditions are speedily overcome," " Cure of Kidney and Bladder? Diseases * * * Croxone contains the elements adapted to correct such con?? ditions. It deals directly with the diseased parts in a forceful, scientific way,? going directly to the roots of the trouble, the only way in which a cure can? be effected." Analysis of a sample of the article by the Bureau of Chemistry of this de?? partment showed the following results: Each small box of this product contained 32 capsules in each of which was? a white-coated pill and a red oil. The oil was essentially a small amount? of oil of pine or oil of juniper dissolved in a fatty oil or mixture of oils. N, J. 4351-4400,3 SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS. 587' The pill consisted essentially of strychnine, a trace of brucine, aloin, hexa-'? methylenetetramine, lithium earbonate, potassium nitrate, and probably a trace? of atropine. No arsenic was present in the pills. No croton oil, sesame oil,? phosphorized oils, and probably no cottonseed oil, and no iodin were present? in the oil. Misbranding of the article was alleged in the information for the reason? that the following statements regarding the therapeutic or curative effects? thereof, appearing on the label aforesaid, to wit, " Croxone For * * *? Rheumatism," and included in the circular or pamphlet aforesaid, to wit,? "The remarkable results obtained by Croxone in * * * rheumatism? * * * are due to its strengthening, healing effects, which, combined with? its power of eliminating uric acid and other poisonous impurities from the sys?? tem, make it a reliable and dependable agent, adapted to the speedy relief of? such diseases. The results obtained in many chronic, stubborn cases of long? standing are equally as gratifying as where the troubles are of a short duration,? except that in the former longer treatment is necessary. Croxone contains? the elements best adapted to the treatment of such troubles. In some cases? one treatment is all that is necessary to give permanent relief," "* * ' *? Dropsy, Gravel Stones * * * By the use of Oroxone *. * * ' such con?? ditions are speedily overcome," " Cure of Kidney * * * Diseases * * *? Croxone contains the elements adapted to correct such conditions. It deals? directly with the diseased parts * * * going directly to the roots of the? trouble, the only way in which a cure can be effected," were false and fraudu?? lent in that the same were applied to said article knowingly, and in reckless? and wanton disregard of their truth or falsity, so as to represent falsely? and fraudulently to the purchasers thereof, and create in the minds of pur?? chasers thereof the impression and belief, that it was, in whole or in part,? composed of, or contained, ingredients or medicinal agents effective, among? other things, as a remedy for rheumatism, as a preventive of dropsy and? gravel stones, and as a cure for kidney diseases, when, in truth and in fact,? it was not, in whole or in part, so composed, and did not contain such in?? gredients or medicinal agents. On January 13, 1916, the defendant company entered a plea of guilty to? the information, and the court imposed a fine of $25 and costs, C. F. MARVIN, Acting Secretary of Agrimltwre. 588 BTJEEAU OF CHEMISTRY. [Supplement 18*