Issued October 28,1914. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF CHEMISTRY.? C. I,. ALSBERG, Cmnv OF BUREAU. SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS.1 JUNE, 1914. SUPPLEMENT.2 N. J. 3242-3331. NOTICES OF JUDGMENT UNDER THE FOOD AND DRUGS ACT. [Given pursuant to section 4 of the Food and Drugs Act.] 3242. Misbranding of apples. V. S. v. 1800 Boxes of Apples. Product or?? dered released on bond. (IT. & D. No. 5508. S. No. 2071.) On December 1, 1913, the United States attorney for Oregon filed in the? District Court of the United States for said district a libel and amended libel? for the seizure and condemnation of 1800 boxes of apples, remaining unsold? in the original unbroken packages and in possession of the Spokane, Portland,? and Seattle Railway Co. at their yards at Portland, Oreg., alleging that the? product had been shipped on or about November 28, 1913, by Eugene Kuhne,? Underwood, Wash., a nd transported from the State of Washington into the? State of Oregon, and charging misbranding in violation of the Food and Drugs? Act. Six hundred of the boxes were labeled: " Spitzenbergs; Extra Fancy;? White Salmon Valley, Underwood, Washington; Columbia River; Hood River;? Oregon; Hood River Valley Apple Growers Union of the White Salmon Valley,? 'Underwood, Washington." Six hundred of the boxes were labeled: "Red? Cheeks, Extra Fancy, White Salmon Valley, Underwood, Washington, Columbia? River, Hood River, Oregon, Hood River Valley Apple Growers Union of the? White Salmon Valley, Underwood, Washington." Six hundred of the boxes? were labeled: " Yellow Newtons, Extra Fancy, White Salmon Valley, Under?? wood, Washington, Columbia River, Hood River, Oregon, Hood River Valley? Apple Growers Union of the White Salmon Valley, Underwood, Washington." Misbranding of the product was alleged in the libel for the reason that the? apples in said boxes were not Spitzenbergs, extra fancy, Red Cheeks, extra 1?In conformity with a uniform plan for the issuance of information, instructions, and? notices of a regulatory nature by various branches of the department, as prescribed by the? Acting Secretary erf Agriculture in memorandum No. 57, dated December 26, 1013, this? publication is issued monthly by the Bureau of Chemistry. It covers approximately? the month far which it is dated, and each month's issue is expected to appear during the? succeeding month. Free distribution will be limited to firms, establishments, and jour?? nals especially concerned Others desiring copies may obtain them from the Superin?? tendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C, at 5 cents each, or? 50 cents a year. 2?Owing to the large accumulation of Notices of Judgment now awaiting publication,? the plan of issuing supplements to the Bureau of Chemistry Service and Regulatory An?? nouncements has been adopted. Such supplements will be published in the future when?? ever it is necessary to issue an excessive number of Notices of Judgment. 53058??14?1? 423 424 BUREAU OP CHEMISTRY. [June, 1914. fancy, or Yellow Newtons, extra fancy, respectively, and were not packed or? shipped by the Apple Growers Union, Underwood, Washington. On December 9, 1913, the case having come on for hearing, it was ordered? by the court, upon motion of the assistant United States attorney, that the? product should be released and delivered to the said Eugene Kuhne, claimant,? upon payment of the costs of the proceedings and the execution of bond in the? sum of $500, conditioned that the said apples should not be sold or disposed? of except in accordance with the laws of any State, Territory, District, or? insular possession of the United States. B. T. GALLOWAY, Acting Secretary of Agriculture. WASHINGTON, D. C, June 8, 191 J/.