3933. Adulteration and misbranding of ginger cordial. U. S. v. John Burke Importing Co.? Plea ol guilty. Fine, S25. (F. & D. No. 4608. I. S. No. 13781-d.) On June 2, 1913, the United States attorney for the Southern District of New York,? acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the district court of the? United States for said district an information against the John Burke Importing Co.,? a corporation, New York, N. Y., alleging the sale by said defendant company, on? October 11, 1911, of a quantity of adulterated and misbranded ginger cordial under? a written guaranty that the same was not adulterated or misbranded within the mean?? ing of the Food and Drugs Act of June 30, 1906, and that the said product was there?? after shipped by the purchaser from the State of New York into the State of New Jer?? sey. The product was labeled: "Ginger Cordial made from pure Ginger Root. In?? valuable in cases of Gastric Ciamps and Indigestion." Analysis of a sample of the product by the Bureau of Chemistry of this department? showed that it contained alcohol, the presence and quantity of which was not stated,? and, further that capsicum had been substituted in part for ginger. Adulteration of 1914.5 SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS. 157 the product was- alleged in the information for the reason that there Was substituted in? part for ginger another substance, to wit, capsicum. Misbranding was alleged for the? reason that the statement on the label regarding the drug and the ingredients and sub?? stances contained therein, to the effect that it was ginger cordial made from pure ginger? root, was false and misleading, in that said drug was not a ginger cordial made from? pure ginger root, but was a mixture of ginger cordial and capsicum. Misbranding was? alleged for the further reason that the package containing the product failed to bear a? statement on the label thereof of the quantity and proportion of alcohol contained? therein, whereas it contained alcohol to the extent of 32.97 per cent. On June 2, 1913, the defendant company entered a plea of guilty to the information? and the court imposed a fine of $25. B. T. GALLOWAY, Acting Secretary of Agriculture. WASHINGTON, D. C, March SO, 1914.