2927.?Adulteration of jellies. U. S. v. The Williams Bros. Co. Plea of guilty. Fine, $100. (F. & D. No. 4585. I. S. Nos. 10084-c, 10085-c, 10086-c, 10087-c.) On February 4,1913, the United States attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan,? acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the District Court of the? United States for said district an information against The Williams Bros. Co., a cor?? poration, Detroit, Mich., alleging shipment by said company, in violation of the Food? and Drugs Act, on December 19, 1910, from the State of Michigan into the State of? Missouri, of a quantity of four brands of jelly which was adulterated. The first brand? was labeled: "Williams Apple and Currant Jelly. (Trade-mark.) The Williams? Bros. Co., Detroit, Mich., U. S. A. Guaranteed by the Williams Bros. Co. under the? Foods & Drugs Act, June 30, 1906. Serial No. 779." Analysis of a sample of this? brand by the Bureau of Chemistry of this department showed that it contained 7 parts? per million of arsenic as As203. Adulteration of this product was alleged in the infor?? mation for the reason that it contained added poisonous and other added deleterious? ingredients which would render the article injurious to health, to wit, 7 parts of? arsenic as arsenious oxid per million. The second brand was labeled: "Williams? Apple Jelly with Lemon.' (Trade-mark.) The Williams Bros. Co., Detroit, Mich.,? U. S. A. Guaranteed by the Williams Bros. Co. under the Food & Drugs Act, June 30,? 1906. Serial No. 779." Analysis of a sample of this brand by said Bureau of Chem?? istry showed that it contained 8 parts per million of arsenic as As203. Adulteration? of this product was alleged in the information for the reason that it contained an? added poisonous and deleterious ingredient, to wit, arsenic, thus rendering the article? injurious to health. The third brand was labeled: Williams Apple and Red Kasp-? berry Jelly. (Trade-mark.) The Williams Bros. Co., Detroit, Mich., U. S. A. 1914.] SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS. 153 Guaranteed by the Williams Bros. Co. under the Food & Drugs Act, June 30, 1906.? Serial No. 779." Analysis of a sample of this brand by said Bureau of Chemistry? showed that it contained 20 parts per million of arsenic as As203. Adulteration of? this product was alleged in the information for the reason that it contained an added? poisonous and deleterious ingredient, to wit, 20 parts of arsenic as arsenious oxid? per million, which would render the article injurious to health as a food product.? The fourth brand was labeled: "Williams Apple Jelly with Pineapple. (Trade?? mark.) The Williams Bros. Co., Detroit, Mich., U. S. A. Guaranteed by the Wil?? liams Bros. Co. under the Food & Drugs Act, June 30, 1906. Serial No. 779." Anal?? ysis of a sample of this brand by said Bureau of Chemistry showed that it contained? 8 parts per million of arsenic as As203. Adulteration of this product was alleged in? the information for the reason that it contained an added poisonous and deleterious? ingredient, to wit, 8 parts of arsenic as arsenious oxid per million, which would render? the article injurious to health as a food product. On March 7,1913, the defendant company entered a plea of guilty to the information? and the court imposed a fine of $100. B. T. GALLOWAY, Acting Secretary of Agriculture. WASHINGTON, D. C, February 18, 1914-