NOTICE OF JUDGMENT NO. 2317. (Chen pursuant to section 4 of the Food and Drugs Act.) MISBRANDING OF SWEET CHOCOLATE. On September 23, 1912, the United States Attorney for the East- ern District of Pennsylvania, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the District Court of the United States for said district an information against PI. O. Wilbur & Sons (Inc.), a corporation, Philadelphia, Pa., alleging shipment by said defendant, in violation of the Food and Drugs Act, on August 10, 1911, from the State of Pennsylvania into the State of Texas of a quantity of sweet chocolate which was misbranded. The product was labeled: (On box—stamped) "Paris" on two sides "ParisSweet Chocolate Paris—¦ Paris 1/5 WN (trade mark) Manufactured by H. O. Wilbur & Sons, Philadelphia, Pa." (Label on individual cakes) " Paris Sweet Chocolate Paris—Paris 1/5 G lbs. 30 pieces. Chocolate Perfecto Chocolate Perfectione." (on back) " WN (trade mark) Nelson Baking Chocolate, Nelson cocoa, Paris Sweet Chocolate, Manufac- tured by H. O. Wilbur & Sons, Philadelphia. U. S. Serial Number 2208 Guaranteed under the Food and Drugs Act, June 30, 1906." (Each cake stamped) " W. Nelson & Co." Misbranding was alleged in the information for the reason that the product was falsely branded as to the country in which it was produced, in that the package containing the product bore promi- nently displayed thereon the words " Paris Sweet Chocolate " by which it was represented that the article was a product of France, whereas m truth and in fact it was not so, but was manufactured at Philadelphia, Pa. On September 23, 1912, the defendant company entered a plea of nolo vult contendere and the court imposed a fine of $50. W. M. HAYS, Acting Secretary of Agriculture. WASHINGTON, D. O, February 5, 1913. o