F. & D. No. 3847. I. S. Nos. 3616-d and 3617-d. Issued March 8, 1913. United States Department of Agriculture, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY.' NOTICE OF JUDGMENT NO. 2038. (Giren pursuant to section 4 of the Food and Drugs Act.) ADULTEBATION OF MILK. On August 9, 1912, the United States Attorney for the Southern? District of Illinois, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agri?? culture, filed in the District Court of the United States for said dis?? trict an information against Frederick G. Reader, Miles Station.? 111., alleging shipment by him, in violation of the Food and Drugs? Act, on July 7, 1911, from the State of Illinois into the State of Mis?? souri of a quantity of milk which was adulterated. The product? bore no label. Bacteriological examination of samples of the product by the? Bureau of Chemistry of this Department showed the following? results: (Sample No. 1) 400,000,000 bacteria per cc, plain agar,? after 2 days at 37? C; 500,000,000 bacteria per cc, litmus lactose? agar, after 2 days at 37? C, all alkaline; 1,000,000 B. ooli group;? 1,000,000 streptococci. (Sample No. 2) 100,000,000 bacteria per cc,? plain agar, after 2 days at 37? C.; 110,000,000 bacteria per cc,? litmus lactose agar, after 2 days at 37? C.; 100 per cent acid;? 1,000 B. coli group; 1,000 streptococci. Adulteration was alleged in? the information for the reason that the product was composed in? part of a filthy, decomposed, and putrid animal substance. On August 9,1912, the defendant entered a plea of nolo contendere? to the information and the court imposed a fine of $25 and costs. W. M. HAYS,? Acting Secretary of Agriculture. WASHINGTON, D. C, November ?7, 1912. 71292??No. 2038?13