F. & D. Nos. 3306, 3307, 3308, 3309, 3310, 3311. S. No. 1213. Issued August 30, 1912. United States Department of Agriculture, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY. NOTICE OF JUDGMENT NO. 1607. (Given pursuant to section 4 of the Food and Drugs Act.) ADULTERATION OF TOMATO PULP. On December 15, 1911, the United States Attorney for the North?? ern District of Illinois, acting upon a report by the Secretary of? Agriculture, filed in the District Court of the United States for said? district libels for the seizure and condemnation of 71 barrels, 100? barrels, 119 barrels, 1,400 cans, 100 barrels, and 120 barrels of? tomato pulp, remaining unsold and in the original unbroken pack?? ages, and in the possession of the Railway Terminal and Warehouse? Co. and the West Side Warehouse Co., Chicago, 111., alleging that? the 71 barrels had been shipped on September 22, 1911, by the Star? Canning Co., Austin, Ind., and transported from the State of In?? diana into the State of Illinois; that the 100 barrels (lot 1) had? been shipped by said Star Canning Co. on October 6, 1911, from the? State of Indiana into, the State of Illinois; that the 119 barrels had? been shipped on November 23, 1911, by the John Blaul's Sons Co.,? a corporation, Burlington, Iowa, from the State of Iowa into the? State of Illinois; that the 1,400 cans had been shipped on'October 30,? 1911, by the Kokomo Canning Co., a corporation, Kokomo, Inch,? from the State of Indiana into the State of Illinois; that the 100? barrels (lot 2) had been shipped on November 16, 1911, by the Van? Camp Packing Co., a corporation, Indianapolis, Ind., from the State? of Indiana into the State of Illinois; and that the 120 barrels had? been shipped on November 23, 1911, by the said John Blaul's Sons? Co. from the-State of Iowa into the State of Illinois, and charging? adulteration in violation of the Food and Drugs Act. Adulteration? of the product was alleged in the various libels for the reason that? said product consisted in part of a filthy and decomposed vegetable? matter. 51099??No. 1607?12 On March 1, 1912, no claimant having appeared for the property,? judgment of condemnation and forfeiture was entered, and it was? further ordered that the product covered by all the libels should be? destroyed by the United States marshal, and that the barrels con?? taining the same should be sold. W. M. HAYS,? Acting Secretary of Agriculture.? WASHINGTON, D. C, June 18, 1912. 1607