F. & D. No. 2505. S. No. 888. Issued May 22, 1912. United States Department of Agriculture, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY. NOTICE OF JUDGMENT NO. 1469. (Given pursuant to section 4 of the Food and Drugs Act.) ADULTEKATION OF TOMATO PASTE. On March 9, 1911, the United States Attorney for the Western? District of Pennsylvania, acting on a report by the Secretary .of? Agriculture, filed in the District Court of the United States for said? district a libel praying seizure and condemnation of 10 cases of? tomato paste, each case containing 100 one-pound cans, each of said? cans being marked inter alia, " Conserva di Tomate Rossa. Guaran?? teed under the Food and Drug Act, June 30, 1906. Serial No. 9270."? The libel alleged that the product was within the premises located? at 500 Dawson Street, Pittsburg, Pa., occupied as a wholesale grocery? warehouse, was shipped by Ignatius Gross Co., New York, N. Y., and? transported on or about February 18, 1911, from the State of New? York into the State of Pennsylvania, and was adulterated in violation? of the Food and Drugs Act. Analysis of samples of this product by the Bureau of Chemistry? of this Department showed the following results: " Odor offensive? when opened; yeasts and spores 120 per one-sixtieth cmm.; bacteria? 300,000,000 per cc.; mold filaments in 45 per cent of the fields; some? pieces of decayed tissue of macroscopic size present." Adulteration? was therefore charged for the reason that the contents of each of? said cans was composed in whole or in part of a filthy, decomposed,? or putrid substance and unfit for food. On October 14, 1911, no appearance having been made and no? answer put in by any persons claiming an interest in the product,? although a true and attested copy of the writ was given to Felice G.? Pivaratto, trading as the Italo-French Produce Co., Pittsburg, Pa.,? judgment of condemnation was entered and an order made directing? the United States marshal to destroy said product. W. M. HATS,? Acting Secretary of Agriculture. WASHINGTON, D. C, April 18, 1912. 41287??No. 1469?12