NOTICE OF JUDGMENT NO. 1103. (Given pursuant to section 4 of the Food and Drugs Act.) ADULTERATION OF EGG COLOR. At the January term of court, 1911, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, acting upon the report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed information in the Circuit Court of the United States for the said district, against Wood & Schick, a cor- poration, of New York, N. Y., charging shipments by it, in violation of the Food and Drugs Act, on or about March 19, 1910, from the State of New York into the State of Louisiana, of certain articles of food called " Light Shade Egg Color" and " Golden Egg Color", which were adulterated. The products were labeled: " Light Shade Egg Color—Wood & Schick, manufacturing chemists, 36 and 38 Hudson St. New York," and, on the back of the container the follow- ing statement appeared: " This color is made of the specified colors in F. I. D. 76 in uncertified form. We guarantee them as such. Wood & Selick—Hudson, Duane & Thomas its., New York." The labels on the Golden Egg Color were the same, except as to the name of the product. Analyses of samples of these products by the Bureau of Chemistry of this Department showed them to contain, respectively, one part in 30,000, and one part in 37,000 arsenic. Adulteration was therefore charged in two counts in the information against these products, because they contained an added poisonous or deleterious ingredient, to wit, arsenic, which might render them injurious to health. At the same term of court the defendant corporation pleaded guilty to the charges against the products and was fined $25 on each count, which fines were paid on May 1, 1911. W. M. HAYS, Acting Secretary of Agriculture. WASHINGTON, D. C, August 30, 1911. 8783°—No. 1103—11 o