NOTICE OF JUDGMENT NO. 1054. (Given pursuant to section 4 of the Food and Drugs Act.) ADULTERATION OF COMPOUND CATSUP. On May 15, 1911, the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois, acting upon the report by the Secretary of Agri- culture, filed information in the District Court of the United States for said district against Fred C. Edler, doing business as the Huss- Edler Preserve Co., alleging shipment by him, in violation of the Food and Drugs Act, on or about August 15, 1910, from the State of Illinois into the State of Missouri, of a quantity of compound catsup which was adulterated. The said product was labeled: " From Huss-Edler Preserve Company, 75 and 77 West Kinzie Street, New Numbers 612 to 622 same location, Chicago. To H. A. Woer- man, St. Louis, Mo. Compound Catsup Contains 1/10 of 1% Ben- zoate of Soda. Sweetened with Saccharin. Via. C. & A." An examination, by the Bureau of Chemistry, United States De- partment of Agriculture, showed the following results: Yeasts and spores 83 per one-sixtieth cmm., bacteria 120,000,000 per cc, molds in about 35 per cent of the fields; and that the pulp from which the product is made is largely from apple or some similar fruit and not tomato. Adulteration was therefore alleged for the reason that said product consisted in part of a filthy vegetable substance, as disclosed by the aforesaid examination. On June 1, 1911, the defendant pleaded guilty and a fine of $200 was imposed. JAMES WILSON, Secretary of Agriculture. WASHINGTON, D. C, August 9, 1911. o 7946°—No. 1054—11