NOTICE OF JUDGMENT NO. 993. (Given pursuant to section 4 of the Food and Drugs Act.) ADULTERATION OF TOMATO PULP. On February 1, 1911, the United States Attorney for the Western District of Kentucky, acting upon the report of the Secretary of Agriculture, filed a libel for seizure and condemnation in the District Court of the United States against 216 barrels of tomato pulp, in possession of the Price & Lucas Cider & Vinegar Co., Louisville, Ky., alleging that 7.5 barrels of this product had been transported, on or about September 9, 1910, 80 barrels on or about September 24, 1910, and 61 barrels on or about September 28, 1910, from the State of Indiana into the State of Kentucky, consigned by the English Can- ning Co., English, Ind., and charging Adulteration of this product in violation of the Food and Drugs Act. The barrels were unlabeled, but analysis of samples of the product made by the Bureau of Chemistry showed it to contain yeasts and spores 42 per one-sixtieth cmm., bacteria 124,000,000 per cc, and mold filaments present in 58 per cent of fields. Adulteration was therefore charged for the reason that the product contained a filthy, putrid, and decomposed animal and vegetable substance. On March 18, 1911, the court entered a proclamation for default and gave judgment for the United States. W. M. HATS, Acting Secretary of Agriculture. WASHINGTON, D. O, June 27,1911. o 1962"—No. 993—11