S. No. 185. F. & D. No. 501. Issued August 30, 1910. United States Department of Agriculture, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY. NOTICE OF JUDGMENT NO. 489, FOOD AND DRUGS ACT. ADULTERATION OF OLIYE OIL. On or about March 10, 1909, there were located on the wharves of? the Merchants and Miners Transportation Company, Boston, Mass., 2? barrels of oil labeled, respectively, " NT 10 " and " 1ST 11," ordered and? invoiced as olive oil, which had been shipped from the State of? Pennsylvania to the State of Massachusetts. The analysis of samples? of this product made in the Bureau of Chemistry, United States De?? partment of Agriculture, showed it to be adulterated within the? meaning of the Food and Drugs Act of June 30, 1906. As it ap?? peared from the findings of the analyst and report made that the? product was liable to seizure under section 10 of the act, the Secretary? of Agriculture reported the facts to the United States attorney for? the District of Massachusetts. In due course a libel was filed in the District Court of the United? States for said district against said 2 barrels of olive oil, charging? the above shipment and alleging the product to be adulterated within? the meaning of the act, in that it was offered for sale under the name? of pure olive oil, whereas in truth and in fact cotton-seed oil had been? mixed in said barrels with olive oil, in the proportion of about seven? parts of cotton-seed oil and three parts of olive oil, and praying? seizure, condemnation, and forfeiture" of the product. Whereupon? Ettore M. Garrasi, of Philadelphia, Pa., filed a claim as owner of? said 2 barrels of oil, admitting said product to be adulterated but not? so as to be deleterious to health, and praying that the product be de?? livered to him upon the filing of a bond to be approved by the court,? conditioned that he should not sell or otherwise dispose of said? product contrary to law. 52796??No. 489?10 The case coming on for hearing, the court entered its decree, find?? ing the said 2 barrels of oil to be adulterated, but not so as to be? deleterious to health, and ordering that upon the payment of the? costs of libel proceedings and upon the execution and delivery of a? bond in the sum of $150, conditioned that said 2 barrels should not be? sold or otherwise disposed of contrary to law, said 2 barrels be de?? livered to the claimant. The claimant having paid the cost of pro?? ceeding and having executed and delivered a satisfactory bond in? conformity with the terms of said decree, the 2 barrels of oil were? delivered to him. This notice is given pursuant to section 4 of the Food and Drugs? Act of June 30, 1906. JAMES WILSON,? Secretary of Agriculture. WASHINGTON, D. C, June ?5, 1910. 489