7029. Affinitizer device. (F.D.C. No. 45524. S. No. 68-735 R.) QUANTITY : 1 device at Dallas, Tex., in possession of Mrs. Yuba G. Freeman, naturopath. SHIPPED : Sometime during 1952, from Glendale, Calif. LABEL IN PART : (Embossed on device) " Affinitizer." ACCOMPANYING LABELING : Booklet entitled "The Diagnometer Seroyal Brands, Inc., Orinda, California." RESULTS OP INVESTIGATION : Tbe inspector's photographs and description indi- cated the article to be in tbe form of a hollow plastic block, about 12 Inches square and 1 inch thick. On the face of the block is an indicator dial with inscribed numbers ranging from 0 to 270. The unit contains no electrical circuit, but the dial operation is reportedly magnetic. Three plastic strings are 'taped to tbe plastic block. For diagnostic purposes, one string is held over tbe area of the patient's heart, one string is placed in the area of the gland or organ to be checked, and one string is held over the dial of the device. LIBELED : 3-24-62: amended libel 4-26-61, N. Dist. Tex. CHAKGE: 502(b)(1)-while held for sale, the article failed to bear a label containing the name and place of business of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor; 502(f) (1)-its labeling failed to bear adequate directions for the purposes for which it was intended, namely, in tbe treatment of diabetes, and in the diagnosing of the condition of tbe pituitary, liver, thyroid, and pancreas glands, tbe purposes for which the article was used by Mrs. Freeman; and 502(a)-when shipped and while held for sale, the labeling accompanying the article, contained false and misleading representations that the article was adequate and effective for diagnosing practically all diseases and conditions including, but not limited to, tbe following diseases and conditions; pneu- monia, tuberculosis, diphtheria, cancer, malaria, syphilis, trichina, meningitis, tapeworm, fibroid tumor, anthrax, kidney stone, gallstone, polio, colitis, tula- remia, blood sugar, bronchitis, asthma, rheumatic fever, gastric ulcer, botu- lism, sinusitis, nephritis, psoriasis, infectious mononucleosis, Vincent's angina. Banti's disease, filariasis, tetanus, hay fever, eczema squamosum, eczema madidans, cirrhosis of the liver, influenza, smallpox, impetigo; and that the article was adequate and effective for (a) determining where spinal adjust- ments were needed; (b) determining the locations of adhesions in the adbomen ; (c) determining whether food contains poison: (d) determining whether the subject's heart and bloodstream are in a normal or subnormal condition; (e) determining the acid-alkaline balance of the body; (f) pointing out tbe foods which increase vitality in the body and foods which decrease vitality; and (g) pointing out the organs that have succumbed to toxicity and the nature and extent of the disease. DISPOSITION : Mrs. Yuba G. Freeman filed a plea of intervention and, thereafter, the Government filed interrogatories, which were answered by the intervenor. The Government then filed a motion for summary judgment based on the answers to interrogatories. On 2-24-62, the court entered an order granting the motion for summary judgment, condemning the article, and providing for delivery of the device to the Food and Drug Administration. DRUG FOR VETERINARY USE