6923. Blood and nerve tonic, cough syrup, and liver-kidney regulator. (F.D.C. No. 46906. S. Nos. 25-141/3 T.) QUANTITY: 32 16-oz. btls. of olood and nerve tonic, 115 4-oz. btls. of couah syrup, and 82 6-oz. btls. of liver-kidney regulator, at Benton Harbor, Mich. SHIPPED : 10-15-61, from Gary, Ind., by Red Mountain Medical Co. LABEL IN PART: (Btl.) "Red Mountain Blood and Nerve Tonic"; "The Famous Red Mountain Cough Syrup"; "Red Mountain Liver-Kidney Regulator"; (each btl. also labeled) "Mfd. by Red Mountain Medical Co. Dr. B. J. Cockrell Mfg. Chemist." LIBELED : 1-8-62, W. Dist. Mich. CHARGE: {Blood and nerve tonic), 502(a)-when shipped, the labeling con- tained false and misleading representations that the article was an adequate and effective treatment for promoting pep, vigor, and energy, for rundown nerves, impure blood, rheumatism, anemia, bladder weakness, swelling and stiffness of lower limbs and joints, skin diseases, and loss of appetite; and the labeling contained false and misleading representations that another drug, Red Mountain Liver-Kidney Regulator, was adequate and effective as a treat- ment for biliousness, poor digestion, acid stomach, colds, kidney and back troubles, and general elimination of body waste and poisons; 502(b) (1)-the label failed to bear the name of the place of business of the manufacturer; and 502(f) (2)-the label listed potassium iodide as an active ingredient and failed to bear the warning statement required for oral preparations containing iodides, "If a skin rash appears, discontinue use and consult physician"; {cough syrup), 502(a)-the label contained false and misleading representa- tions that the article was an adequate and effective treatment for coughs (unqualified), colds (unqualified and most severe), bronchial irritations, tight stuffy chest due to colds and exposure, and hoarseness; and the label contained false and misleading representations with reference to another drug, Red Mountain Liver and Kidney Regulator Laxative, that the use of the two drugs was adequate and effective as a treatment for deeply seated colds; {liver-kidney regulator), 502(a)-the label contained false and mislead- ing representations that the article was an adequate and effective treatment for eliminating wastes and poisons from the system, relief of sluggish liver and kidneys, backaches, headaches, colds, constipation (unqualified), indiges- tion, gastric stomach, dizziness, high blood pressure, bad breath, no pep due to a bilious system, and to prevent serious menstrual pain; and the label con- tained false and misleading representations that another drug, Red Mountain Blood and Nerve Tonic was an adequate and effective treatment for the suffer- ing of nervousness, rheumatism, impure blood, general rundown condition, and for toning and pepping up the system; and the label paragraph "General Direc- tions" contained a statement which directed use of the product continuously, "2 to 3 times per week," which statement was false and misleading since it was contrary to the label warning statement "Caution: Frequent usage may result in laxative dependency"; and 502(f) (2)-the label declared the presence of the active laxative ingredient, phenolphthalein, and its label failed to bear the required phenolphthalein warning statement, "Caution: If skin rash ap- pears do not use this or any other preparation containing phenolphthalein." DISPOSITION : 2-12-62. Default-destruction.