6883. Safflor capsules. (F.D.C. No. 46462. S. No. 68-824 R.) QUANTITY: 57 100-capsule btls. at Milwaukee, Wis., in possession of Haug Drug Co. SHIPPED : 5-25-61, from Detroit, Mich. LABEL IN PAET: (Btl.) "Haug's Safflor Capsules Hang's Safflower Oil Each Capsule Contains * * * As a Dietary Supplement, * * * Distributed by Haug Drug Company, Milwaukee 9, Wis." ACCOMPANYING LABELING: Booklets entitled "Haug's Price List and Thera- peutic Guide"; cards entitled "Safflor Capsules-For Reducing Serum Choles- terol File Card No. 558"; leaflets entitled "Excerpts from the Symposium on fats in human nutrition" and "What's all the Talk About Serum Cholesterol Levels and Atherosclerosis?"; and additional bottle labels. RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION : The article was shipped in bulk and repacked and labeled by the dealer. The accompanying labeling was printed locally for the dealer and was used in promoting sales of the article. LIBELED : 9-20-61, E. Dist. Wis. OHAKGB: 502(a)-while held for sale, the labeling contained false and mis- leading representations that the article was adequate and effective to control the cholesterol level of the blood, and for the treatment and prevention of heart disease and atherosclerosis. The article was alleged also to be misbranded under the provisions of the law applicable to foods, as reported in notices of judgment on foods. DISPOSITION : 10-10-61. Default-destruction.