6867. Livesay's drug products. (F.D.C. No. 45933. S. Nos. 5-731/9 R, 79- 341/8 R.) QTJANTITT: 9 cases, 12 16-oz. btls. each, of laxative syrup; 20 cases, 12 8-oz. btls. each, of Formula No. 10? 13 cases, 24 16-oz. btls. each, of 8 & L Com- pound No. 25; 4 cases, 12 4-oz. btls. each, of antacid powder; 101 cases, 12 8-oz. btls. each, of diuretic and alkaline; 20 cases, 6 16-oz. btls. each, of Formula No. 150; 13 cases, 12 16-oz. btls. each, of Formula No. 161; and 17 cases, 12 16-oz. btls. each, of Alfatea; at Pennington Gap, Va., in possession of Walter B. Livesay, t/a W. B. Livesay Products Co. SHIPPED : Between 9-9-59 and 3-8-61, from outside the State of Virginia. LABEL IN PART: (Btls.) "Livesay's Laxative Syrup," "Livesay's Formula No. 10 Bitter Tonic and Stomachic," "Livesay's S & L Compound Number 25," "W. B. Livesay's Antacid Powder," "Livesay's Diuretic & Alkaline," "Livesay's Formula No. 150 Stomachic," "Livesay's Formula No. 161 Analgesic," "Live- say's Alfatea Elixir with Sodium Salicylate and Iron." LIBELED: 6-6-61, W. Dist. Va. CHARGE: 502(f) (1)-while held for sale, the labeling of the articles failed to bear adequate directions for use for the purposes for which they were intended, namely, {laxative syrup) for the treatment of gallbladder trouble; {Formula No. 10) for the treatment of hepatitis, jaundice, and infection of the liver; {8 d L Compound Number 25) for the treatment of liver troubles and gallstones; {antacid powder) for the treatment of bleeding ulcers of the stomach; {diuretic and alkaline) for the treatment of bladder trouble, pus in urine, and Bright's disease; {Formula No. 150) for the treatment of prostate gland trouble; {Formula No. 161 and Alfatea) for the treatment of inflammatory rheumatism;- which were the diseases, conditions, and pur- poses for which the articles were recommended in oral statements made by the dealer. DISPOSITION : 8-10-61. Walter B. Livesay, claimant, having consented to the condemnation of the articles and to the entry of an injunction, a decree was entered condemning the articles and releasing them under bond to be brought into compliance with the law, and permanently enjoining the claimant against the doing of any act with respect to the above-mentioned articles or any similar articles, while held for sale after shipment in interstate commerce, which would result in such articles being accompanied by any written, printed, or graphic matter representing that the articles are adequate and effective for the diseases mentioned above or any other disease or condition of man. The claimant was further enjoined from holding for sale these or any similar articles which fail to bear in their labeling (1) all of the conditions, purposes, and uses for which such articles are intended to be used and for which they are represented, by any means, to the public; and (2) sufficient information to enable the layman to use the articles for such purposes safely, intelligently, and efficaciously.