6744. Iro-Jex injectable. (F.D.C. No. 45628. S. Nos. 61-044/45 R.) QUANTITY : 226 30-cc. btls. and 607 100-cc. btls. at Kansas City, Mo. SHIPPED : 2-7-61 and 3-22-61, from Los Angeles, Calif. LABEL IN PART: "Iro-Jex Injectable Iron-Arsenic Solution each 2 cc con- tains: Ferric Cacodylate 1 Gr. Copper Sulfate 1/100 Gr. * * * Suggested dosage: 2 cc given intramuscularly or intravenously-distributed by the Na- tional Laboratories Corp. Kansas City." RESULTS OP INVESTIGATION : When shipped, the labeling offered the drug for human use. The dealer relabeled the article for veterinary use. LIBELED : On or about 4-17-61, W. Dist. Mo.; amended libel on or about 5-17-61. CHARGE: 505(a)-the article was a new drug which may not be introduced or delivered for introduction into interstate commerce, since an application filed pursuant to law was not effective with respect to such drug. DISPOSITION : 7-12-61. Default-destruction. DRUGS IN VIOLATION OF PRESCRIPTION LABELING REQUIREMENTS