6713. Vitamin B complex with vitamin Bu injection. (F.D.C. No. 46467. S. No. 79-855 R.) QUANTITY: 42 individually cartoned 30-cc. vials at Baltimore, Md. SHIPPED : 1-30-61, from New Rochelle, N.T. RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION : Analysis showed that the article contained approxi- mately 22 percent of the declared amount of vitamin B12. LIBELED : 9-22-61, Dist. Md. CHARGE: 501(C)-while held for sale, the strength of the article differed from that which it purported to possess; and 502(a)-the label statement "Each cc. contains: Vitamin Bu 30 mg." was false and misleading as applied to an article which contained less than the declared amount of vitamin B12. DISPOSITION : 10-25-61. Default-destruction.