6583. Vitamin Bu tablets and Folibex 12 Capsulettes. (F.D.C. No. 45497. S. Nos. 3-417/8 R.) QUANTITY : 46 100-tablet btls. of vitamin B& tablets; and 3 drums containing a total of approximately 56,840 tablets, 15 250-tablet btls., 41 100-tablet btls., and 78 50-tablet btls. of Folibex 12 Capsulettes, at Washington, D.C, in pos- session of Babbitt Cut Rate Stores, Inc. SHIPPED: 3-19-60, from Long Island City, N.Y. {vitamin Bis tablets), and 6-2-60, from Cleveland, Ohio {Folibex 12 Capsulettes). LABEL IN PAKT: (Btl.) "Vitamin B12 Tablets 50 meg. * * * Distributed by Na- tional Vitamin Corporation, Washington, D.C. Indications: As an Appetite Stimulant"; (drum) "Manufactured for: Babbitt Drug Co. Washington, D.C. Contents 24,420 * * * No. 50 Dark Red Code: O.A.D.E. Lot No. 4557 Formula Contains"; and (btl.) "Folibex 12 Each Capsulette Contains: Vitamin Bia ... 10 meg. (as present in concentrated extractives from strepto- myces fermentations). Ferrous Sulfate Exsiccated. . . . 200 mg. Liver Fraction-2. . . . 300 mg. Folic Acid. . . . 0.33 mg. Vitamin C. ... 75 mg. Distributed by General Vitamin Corp. Washington, D.C. * * * Average Adult Dose 3 Capsulettes Daily as Directed by the Physician." RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION : The articles were shipped in bulk and repacked and labeled by the dealer. LIBELED : 2-27-61, Dist. Columbia. CHARGE: Vitamin Bm tablets, 502(a)-while held for sale, the label statement "Indication: As an Appetite Stimulant" was false and misleading since it was contrary to fact. Folibex 12 Capsulettes, 503(b) (4)-while held for sale, the article was sub- ject to 503(b) (1) and its label failed to bear the statement "Caution: Federal law prohibits dispensing without prescription." The libel alleged also that another article was misbranded under the pro- visions of the Aet relating to foods, as reported in notices of judgment on foods. DISPOSITION : 6-8-61. Consent-claimed by Babbitt Cut Rate Stores, Inc., and released for relabeling.