6490. Posterior pituitary injection. (F.D.C. No. 45135. S. No. 41-134 R.) QUANTITY : 12 vials at St. Louis, Mo. SHIPPED : 8-22-60, from Chicago, 111., by Medical Chemicals Corp. LABEL IN PAST: (Vial) "10 cc Sterile Multiple Dose Vial Posterior Pituitary Injection 10 U. S. P. Units/cc (Obstetrical) 0.5 Chlorobutanol * * * Medi- cal Chem. Corp. Chicago 51, 111. 6132." RESULTS OP INVESTIGATION : Analysis showed that the potency of the article was not more than 4.6. U. S. P. posterior pituitary units per cubic centimeter. LIBELED : 11-7-60, E. Dist. Mo. CHARGE: 501(b)-when shipped, the strength of the article fell below the standard set forth in the United States Pharmacopeia; and 502(a)-the label statement "Posterior Pituitary Injection 10 U. S. P. Units/cc" was false and misleading. DISPOSITION : 12-14-60. Default-destruction.