6415. (F.D.C. No. 44337. S. Nos. 4-294 P, 5-711 P, 5-713 P, 5-717/20 P.) INFORMATION FILED: 6-9-60, E. Dist. Va., against Meyer H. Salsbury, t/a Chamberlayne Avenue Pharmacy, Richmond, Va. CHARGE : Between 6-13-59 and 7-6-59, Dexedrine Sulfate tablets were dispensed 3 times, phenobarbital tablets were dispensed twice, and Equanil tablets were dispensed once upon requests for prescription refills without authoriza- tion from the prescriber, and Pentids tablets were dispensed once without a prescription. PLEA: Not guilty. DISPOSITION : On 11-16-60, the case came on for trial before the court and a jury. On 11-17-60, the jury returned a verdict of guilty. Thereafter, on 12-2-60, the defendant was fined $1,750 and sentenced to 1 year in prison on each of 7 counts, the prison sentences to run concurrently. Imposition of the prison sentence was suspended, except for 2 weeks to be served and de- fendant was placed on probation for 3 years beginning after the service of 2 weeks imprisonment.