^6393. Concentrated extract of alfalfa. (F.D.C. No. 44666. S. No. 41-445 R.) QUANTITY : 8 cases, 24 8-oz. btls. each: 6 eases, 13 16-oz. btls. each; and 9 cases. 12 32-oz. btls. each, at San Francisco, Calif. SHIPPED: 6-8-59 and 1-8-60, from American Fork, Utah, by Lucerne Labora- tories of Utah. LABEL IN PART: (Btl.) "Lucerne Concentrated extract of alfalfa (Medicago Sativa) it is a dietary supplement * * * Lucerne Is Not A Medicine One teaspoonful (5 Mis) contains: * * * 0.00586 Mg. Iron Three glasses daily furnish: * * * 0.02 mg. 12% of Min. Daily Reqt. * * * Also micro-amounts of the many other elements present, (and combined naturally) in the Lu- cerne,-the oldest known plant-from which made; for which elements no official standard of requirement has been established. Many of these elements may be deficient in foods of every day variety. * * * All materials used in the manufacture of Lucerne are of USP XIII, National Formulary VIII, or of CP (Reagent) quality and are so guaranteed * * * Lucerne Laboratories of Utah * * * American Fork, Utah." ACCOMPANYING LABELING: Leaflet entitled ''Lucerne * * * Alfalfa Nature's Rarest Gift to Man and Animal." LIBELED : 6-17-60, N. Dist. Calif. CHARGE: 502(a)-when shipped, the labeling of the article contained false and misleading representations that the article was an adequate and effective treatment for, and preventive of, tiredness and asthma; and that the article would soothe the nervous system; produce health, promote every secretion of the body; regulate acidity; expel waste matter; keep joints and tendons sup- ple; promote proper alkaline-acid balance in body fluids; dissolve uric acid so it would pass through the kidneys; promote the growth of skin, hair, and nails, and maintain a good lens of the eye and clear vision; keep body mem- branes healthy; increase digestive ability; stabilize nerves; promote growth and healing; sweeten the breath; increase peristaltic action of the bowels; stimulate the appetite; and preserve the teeth. The libel alleged also that the article was misbranded under the provisions of the law relating to foods as reported in notices of judgment on foods. DISPOSITION: 8-29-60. Consent-claimed by Lucerne Laboratories of Utah, and released for relabeling.