6370. Folabin. (F.D.C. No. 44816. S. No. 26-563 R.) QUANTITY : 107 cartoned vials at Los Angeles, Calif. SHIPPED : 7-1-60, from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, by Paul Maney Laboratories, Inc., Div. of Michigan Chemical Corp. LABEL IN PART: (Vial) "10 cc. X-558 Folabin Double Strength * * * Paul Maney Laboratories, Cedar Rapids, Iowa * * * 5863." RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION: Examination showed that the article contained about 75 percent of the labeled amount of vitamin Bu. LIBELED : 10-11-60, S. Dist. Calif. CHARGE: 501(C)-when shipped, the strength of the article differed from that which it purported to possess; and 502(a)-the label statements "Each cc. Contains: Vitamin Bu Activity * * * Equivalent to Cyanocobalamin * * * ( 10 mcgm. * * * Vit. Bu Cryst. 50 mcgm. Total B12 Activity 60 mcgm." were false and misleading. DISPOSITION : 11-2-60. Default-destruction.