?237. Honegar. (F.D.C. No. 44568. S. No. 3-427 R.) QUANTITY: 50 1-pt btls. at Washington, D.C. SHIPPED : 3-28-60, from New York, N.Y., by B. T. Babbitt, Inc. LABEL IN PART: (Btl.) "Undiluted Pure Honey Unpasteurized & Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar * * * HONEGAR * * * Honegar Division, 625 Madison Ave., New York 22, N.Y." ACCOMPANYING LABELING: Books entitled "Folk Medicine" by D. C. Jarvis, M.D., and a poster reading in part "Discover . . . The Secrets of Good Health and Long Life . . . Astonishing Facts About * * * Folk Medicine A Vermont Doctor's Guide to Good Health." LIBELED : 5-9-60, Dist. Columbia. CHARGE: 502(a)-when shipped and while held for sale, the labeling of the article, namely, the window display poster and the book entitled "Folk Medicine" accompanying the article, contained false and. misleading repre- sentations that the article was adequate and effective for the treatment and prevention of arthritis; digestive disorders; belching; vomiting and diarrhea from food poisoning;,constipation; obesity; high hlood pressure; chronic fatigue and headaches, including migraine headaches; all infectious diseases, including typhoid; broncho-pneumonia; peritonitis; pleurisy; dysentery; fun- gus diseases; common cold; chickenpox; and measles; all childhood diseases; heart disease; heart attacks; essential hypertension; diabetes; insomnia; steril- ity; difficult labor; morning sickness; nervousness; tension; irritability; itching scalp and skin; numbness; cold hands and feet; dizziness; mental retar- dation ; tooth decay; falling hair; breaking fingernails; paranasal sinusitis; seepage from sinuses; asthma; hay fever; facial neuralgia; retarded growth; pyelitis; thickened blood; ringing in ears; impaired hearing; Meniere's syn- drome ; callouses and corns; slow healing of cuts and bruises; pimples; tic; cramps in muscles; blocked and swollen lymph glands; cough; infant colic; bed wetting; hangovers; alcoholism; and to provide vigor; promote longevity; main- tain good health from the cradle to the grave; to control and reduce weight without restrictions of diet; and to reduce or eliminate the difficulties of old age; and 502(b) (1)-the article failed to bear a label containing the name and place of business of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor. DISPOSITION : 6-27-60. Default-one bottle and the book "Folk Medicine" were delivered to the Food and Drug Administration and the remainder of the article and its accompanying labeling was destroyed.