6226. Lecithin granules. (F.D.C. No. 44429. S. No. 32-787 R.) QTTANTITT: 216 8-oz. btls. and 96 16-oz.btls. atNew York, N.Y. SHIPPED: 3-14^60 and' 4-1-60, from Chicago, 111., by "Central Soya Co., Inc. ' LABEL IN PAST: (Btl.) "RG Lecithin * * * granules * * * a dietary source of choline, inositol an!d phosphorus. One tablespoonful provides 250 mg. of choline, 250 mg.' of inositol and' 225 mg. or 30? of the minimum adult daily requirement' of phosphorus. * * *-A natural food product extracted from soybeans, RG Lecithin contains both linoleic and linolenic acids, which are known as 'polyunsaturated fatty acids * * * Directions * * * Mfd. by and packed for Central Soya Company, Inc., Chemurgy Division, 1825 N. Laramie Ave., Chicago 39, 111." LIBELED.* 4-&1-60, S. Dist N.Y. CHARGE:' 502(a)-the label of the article, wheu shipped, contained false and misleading representations that'the article was adequate and effective'to regu- late and lower the cholesterol of the blood. DISPOSITION : 5-24-60. Default-destruction.