6216. Victorvita Food Supplement. (F.D.C. No. 44555. S. No. 39-001 R.) QUANTITY : 100 180-tablet boxes at St. Louis, Mo. SHIPPED : 9-3-59, from Sepulveda, Calif., by Victor Vitamin Co. LABEL IN PAET: (BOX) "Victorvita The Food Supplement for the feel of Youth Victor's Multi Vitamins and Minerals * * * composed largely from extracts and concentrates of organic substances, such as yeast, liver, alfalfa, buckwheat, parsley, watercress, oranges, lemons, bone meal, kelp, and many, many, others * * * further fortified with added amounts of the highest qual- ity pure crystalline vitamins and various minerals so necessary to the human diet * * * This package contains 60 vitamin tablets and 120 mineral tablets. Packaged in 60 individual airtight packets. Each packet contains one vitamin (brown) and two mineral (red) tablets. Victor Vitamin Co., Palms Station Box 34804 Los Angeles 34, California." ACCOMPANYING LABELING : White leaflets entitled "Have a Brighter Future . . . Victorvita The Food Supplement for the Feel of Youth"; pink leaflets entitled "Have a Brighter Future"; and a letter dated 7-20-59, from the Victor Vita- min Co. with a 13-page enclosure. LIBELED : 5-3-60, E. Dist. Mo. CHARGE : 502(a)-when shipped, the labeling of the article contained false and misleading representations that the article was adequate and effective for the treatment and prevention of nervous tension; irritability; fatigue; tiredness; digestive discomforts and difficulties; premature aging; loss of appetite; lowered resistance to infection of mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, mouth, and throat; night blindness; anemia; defective teeth; muscle weakness; tooth decay; bone disorders; rickets; poor bone and tooth development in children; neuritis; loss of muscle tone; mental depression; vague aches and pains; con- stipation ; dryness of the hair and skin; reddening of the lips; inflammation of the mouth and soreness about the angles of the mouth; minor skin eruptions; insomnia; paleness; difficulty in breathing; growth failure in children; diz- ziness; headaches; unpleasant body odors and bad breath; lack of energy; obesity; goiter; and that the article would produce a brighter future; feel of youth; health; pep; attractiveness; better thinking; regular bowel movements; build blood; and clot blood. The article was alleged also to be misbranded under the provisions of the law applicable to foods, as reported in notices of judgment on foods. DISPOSITION : 6-6-60. Default-destruction.