6102. Obes-Ebb tablets and thyroid tablets. (F.D.C. No. 43330. S. Nos. 52- 887 P, 52-891 P, 53-565/6 P.) QUANTITY : 491 1,000-tablet btls. of Obes-Ebb tablets and 8 1,000-tablet btls. of thyroid tablets at Los Angeles, Calif. SHIPPED: 3-17-59 and 3-31-59, from Hoboken, N.J., by General Pharmacal Co., Inc. LABEL IN PART: "Green No. 1 Obes-Ebb * * * Amphetamine Sulfate 10 Mgm. Thyroid 1 Gr., Aloin ? Gr. Atropine Sulfate 1/360 Gr. * * * General Phar- macal Co. Hoboken, New Jersey * * *2619"; "Yellow No. 2 Obes-Ebb * * * Thyroid 1 Gr., * * ? 2635"; "Brown No. 3 Obes-Ebb, Each Tablet Contains: Phenobarbital ? Grain * * * Thyroid 1 Grain * * * 2636"; "FHJ Tablets Thyroid * * * Contains 2 Grain Thyroid Powder USP * * * F. H. J. Labo- ratories, Inc., New York, N.Y. Control 2637." RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION: Examination showed that the articles (all lots) contained less than the labeled amounts of thyroid. LIBELED : 8-4-59, S. Dist. Calif. CHARGE: 501(b)-when shipped, the strength of the thyroid tablets differed from, and their quality fell below, the standard for thyroid tablets set forth in the United States Pharmacopeia; 501(c)-the strength of the Obes-Ebb tablets differed from that which they purported and were represented to possess; and 502(a)-the label statements (Obes-Ebb tablets) "Each Tablet Contains Thyroid 1 Gr." and (thyroid tablets) "Contains 2 Grain Thyroid Powder USP" were false and misleading. DISPOSITION : 8-26-59. Default-destruction.