5781. Hoxsey treatment for internal cancer. (Inj. No. 311.) Supplement to D.D.N.J. No. 5202. PETITION FILED: On 10-6-58, a petition for an order to show cause in criminal contempt was filed in the Western District of Pennsylvania, against Hoxsey Cancer Clinic, a corporation, Portage, Pa., and John J. Haluska, Samuel J. Einhorn, John H. Benko, Harold F. Ga1braith, A. A. Nelson, and Harry A. Stegman, incorporators, directors, and trustees of the clinic. Dl:BPOSITION : On 10-30-58, the following supplemental consent decree was entered: MILLER, Di8triot Judge: "AND NOW, to wit, this 30th day of October, 1958, ( . the United States of America having filed a petition for order to show cause ~ why the defendants should not be punished for criminal contempt of this Court's · permanent injunction, which became effective November 1, 1957, and the Court being convinced that the terms of this supplemental decree and the provisions thereof are necessary ,to effectuate the operation of this Court's orders and decrees, and the defendants having expressed to the Oourit a willingness to dissolve the corporation and to wind up its business of delivering medicine to persons at Portage, Pennsylvania, and having consented to this supplemental consent decree ; 5781-5820] NOTICES OF JUDGMENT 165 "It is ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the defendants shall dissolve the said corporation and on or before November 1, 1958 completely discontinue the operation of the Hoxsey Cancer Clinic at Portage, Pennsylvania; that the said defendants, and each of them, shall not after that date reopen the said clinic under the name of the Hoxsey Cancer Clinic or any other name for the treatment of any person or persons for cancer, and shall not assign, lease or sell the said clinic to any other persons or organization except with the approval of this court; that the decree entered October 2, 1957 shall continue in full force and effect; that defendants' failure to comply with this supplemental consent decree may be prosecuted as a criminal contempt, and that upon defendants' failure to comply with this supplemental consent decree the Court will immediately sign the order to show cause that is now pending and shall schedule the case for an early trial. "The Food and Drug Administration is directed to report to the Cou:l't, not later than December 1, 1958, whether the defendants are in full compliance with this decree."