5770. Skin cream. (F.D.C. No. 42061. S. No. 26-445 P.) QUANTITY : 143 cartoned jars at Des Moines, Iowa. SHIPPED: 4-17-58, from New York, N.T., by Plymouth Cosmetic Corp. LABEL IN PAET: (Jar and carton) "Queen Helene Gift of Life Cream with Placental Substance and Skin Nutritives Vital New Medical Cosmetic For- mula Containing Youth-Supporting Biogenic Stimulators * * * Para Labs. New York * * * 4 oz." ACCOMPANYING LABELING: Carton insert designated "An Exciting Adventure in Turning Back the Clock" and an advertisement from a Des Moines news- paper prepared from a newspaper mat furnished by the shipper and used as part of a counter display in conjunction with the article. LIBELED : 7-21-58, S. Dist. Iowa. CHARGE: 502(a)-the labeling of the article, when shipped and while held for sale, contained false and misleading representations that the article would act as a skin nutritive; that it would provide biogenic stimulators, youth-produc- ing properties, and the source of life itself; that it would produce a skin that showed no hint of age; and that it would revitalize flabby, loose skin, stimu- late circulation, and reinvigorate fibers, bands and cells of the skin. DISPOSITION : 9-10-58. Default-delivered to the Food and Drug Administra- tion.