5720. Chorionic gonadotropin. F.D.C. No. 41358. S. No. 86-963 M.) QUANTITY : 969 vials at Kansas City, Mo. SHIPPED : 9-26-57 and 10-16-57, from Orange, N.J. RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION : Examination showed that the article contained sub- stantially less than 2,500 I.U. of chorionic gonadotropin potency per vial. LIBELED : On or about 1-16-58, W. Dist. Mo. CHARGE: 501(C)-while held for sale, the strength of the article differed from that which it was represented to possess, namely, 2,500 I.U. of chorionic gonadotropin potency per vial. ?See also Nos. 5706, 5708, 5711, 5716. DISPOSITION : 2-26-58. Default-destruction.