5314. Elixir Sonidel, triple sulfa suspension, and elixir butabarbital sodium. (F. D. C. No. 39844. S. Nos. 30-398 M, 43-265 M, 43-305 M.) INFORMATION FILED : 7-24-57, E. Dist. Mo., against Halitosine Co., t/a Allan & Co., St. Louis, Mo. SHIPPED : Between 1-30-56 and 10-30-56, from Missouri to Tennessee. LABEL IN PART: (Btl.) "One Pint Elixir Sonidel [or "Contents I Pint Triple Sulfa Suspension" or "One Gallon Elixir Butabarbital Sodium"] * * * Allan & Co., St. Louis, Mo." CHARGE: Elixir Sonidel. 501 (c)-the strength of the article, when shipped, differed from that which it purported and was represented to possess since the article contained more phenobarbital than declared on its label; and 502 (a)-the label statement "Each 5 cc contains: Phenobarbital * * * 16.20 mg." was false and misleading. Triple sulfa suspension. 501 (b)-the article, when shipped, purported to be a drug, the name of which "sulfacetamide, sulfadiazine, and sulfamerazine suspension" is recognized in the National Formulary, an official compendium, and its strength differed from the official standard since it contained less than 90 percent of the labeled amounts of sulfacetamide, sulfadiazine, and sulfa- merazine, the minimum permitted by the standard; and 502 (a)-the label statement "Each 5 cc Contains: Sulfadiazine .167 gms. Sulfamerazine .167 gms. Sulfacetamide .167 gms." was false and misleading. Elixir Tmtabaroital sodium. 501 (c)-the strength of the article, when shipped, differed from that which it purported and was represented to possess since the article contained more butabarbital sodium than declared on its label; and 502 (a)-the label statement "Each 30 cc Contains * * * 0.2 gms. Sodium Butabarbital" was false and misleading. PLEA : Guilty. DISPOSITION: 9-20-57. $150fine.