5306. First aid kits. (F. D. C. No. 39284. S. No. 46-619 M.) QUANTITY : 43 first aid kits at Philadelphia, Pa. SHIPPED : 5-11-56, from Bellbluff, Va., by Goldberg Army & Navy Goods. ACCOMPANYING LABELING : Leaflet entitled "First Aid Instructions Vest, Emer- gency, Sustenance Type C-l." RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION: Examination showed the product to be a 4" x 3" plastic case containing the following: 4 adhesive bandages, 1 vial of mild iodine, 2 compx*ess bandages, 1 small cake of soap, 1 plastic vial of amphetamine sulfate tablets, 1 plastic vial of sulfadiazine tablets, 1 plastic vial of atabrine tablets, 1 plastic vial of halazone tablets, and 1 plastic vial of salt tablets. LIBELED: 6-19-56, E. Dist. Pa. CHARGE; 503 (b) (4)-the article contained amphetamine sulfate tablets, sulfadiazine tablets, and atabrine tablets, which were drugs subject to 503 (b) (1), and the label of the article failed to bear the statement "Caution: Federal law prohibits dispensing without prescription." DISPOSITION : 8-1-56. Default-destruction. DRUGS AND DEVICES ACTIONABLE BECAUSE OF FAILURE TO BEAR ADEQUATE DIRECTIONS OR WARNING STATEMENTS*